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RE: Slavery is coming back. We need to know more.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Slavery is here already it never left, our living wages for labor is taxed, we are tax slaves for the privately owned corporation of Washington DC, and we are debt slaves to the privately owned "federal reserve"(world central bank). Both owned and controlled by the same entity, and as you said the "ruling class" they own everything important, Hollywood, mainstream, publishing houses, school boards, big oil, big pharma, medical industry, military complex, government, Washington dc, the "federal reserve", your land, my land, their land, all the land, all the sea, the space between the earth and space, space. Next is your water rights, air rights, burning rights, all the elements, all resources perceivable, etc...even your mind, body, and spirit. They already have the majority it is true! But i agree slavery will be worse, it will become painfully manifested on all levels soon, nobody will be able to ignore it, no poor can pretend anymore. The rich "ruling class" already KNOW who the slaves are, and it is not them, it is Everybody but them.