I hear you... and pondered your words for a bit.
Maybe we just need to get back to basics-- WHY are we here? Why are YOU here? "Money" alone is a crappy reason... just like YouTube or conventional blogging, you have to be "1-in-5000" to make anything that resembles a living being here.
So let's look beyond. I wanted to support art and artists... and share art and build a following around that. Maybe we could find some new artistic talent for our art gallery. Maybe make a few hundred $$ to help support art events.
So what does THAT mean? Build and support a core group of people with specific interests... and perhaps build mutual support for each other. NOT "try to be something to everyone" nor hope for a "whale drive-by vote."
As you said... go out, be seen, be the first to say "hello." Be prepared to say "hello" several times before anyone says hello back. Stick to-- and support-- those who DO say "hello" pack. Be focused. Stop dabbling.
Had one post make it to "trending" once... still not sure why; but it threw $260 our way. Can't plan for that; can only hope for it.
Yeah, I guess this post was a continuation of our conversation on your post.
What you say here in this comment is true. As a sort of case study, if you will, I have looked at some of the food bloggers on here and they actively support each other. All these people, if you look at their posts, they don't dabble, they don't meander and they don't screw around. I think a similar strategy is employed with geographic areas/tags (i.e. #teamsouthafrica) and works well.
Maybe there are others in your area and you can start a tag yourself? #teamwashingtonstate or whatever?
Or what about a tag for all of us so we can find each other? #idontpostcrap :D