"You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson."
This is the death of fiat currency not Bitcoin!
I remember my first BTC exchange, I paid $480.00 for one bitcoin back in 2016 and I bought all of my first cryptocurrency from my earnings here on Steemit. I made most of my rewards when steem was at 10 cents.
Right now I am worth over $100,00.00 and I started out with nothing but a few steem given to me by Steem Inc. Thank you Steemit!
It's been one heck of a ride and now the fight has begun. The established centralized fiat currency against decentralized currencies. In a way our fiat currency is a lot like cryptoccurency, most of our transactions are through debt and credit cards and controlled by the banking industry. I do not want the banking industry to control the markets and I would like to see the people take control of our currency and let the market decide which currencies will flourish rather than soulless governments, corporations, and institutions.

Yes, with you the right time of war against banks and governments will not let them spoil the market, which provided a lot of investors to all those who say that these currencies are a bubble, but the best future for peoples
It might recover this time, but not so long! BTC is outdated and STEEM, BTS, EOS is the future!@reddust,
I don't know if it's outdated, it's adjusting and will adapt. I have faith that the bitcoin developers will get things all sorted out. I don't hold a lot of bitcoin, I have a diverse portfolio which includes a lot of steem, bts, and Eos because I have a crush on Dan....hahaha <3 <3 <3
My uncle Ron said it's okay. I believe him.
If it will be harder for you to hold (because you're invested in cryptocurrencies) try to concentrate on your blog and art. Should help :-)
I don't look at my wallets that often because I start digging to find out what is causing the rise or the dip and that is a big distraction. I understand that there were companies that take out futures on Bitcoin and when CME went online just when bitcoin hit $20,000.00 that's when the market started to tank as well.
My curious cat mind wonders if this is true for bitcoin as well....
The bad news is that once bitcoin traded on the futures market, I knew they were going to manipulate and destroy a good thing. As the price lowers it makes it enticing for banks and the big boys to join it. The good news is it is on sale. You got in at a good time.
I am hoping that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general will destroy futures markets they are evil, evil, evil!
I will not totally agree on "destroying" anything, or the fiat or something, I would prefer that people have other means of transaction very much away from the hands of those government and private regulators. Let us diversified the commerce. And using cryptocurrency is doing that role, and more in the future.
That does seem less threatening lol....thank you for settling my down.
Is federal government of each country that is affecting it. They are warning people not to invest or buy btc again.
I've seen India and several other countries trying to control the cryptocurrencies and FB has banned all cryptocurrency ads.
Am scared to invest on btc, because federal government of different country are creating panic on people who want to invest on btc. As at today, is been announced on our local radio station that people shouldn't invest on btc. So people who has already invest on it and cashing their money. So tell me how cryptocurrencies want to survive.
One of the reasons cryptocurrency was invented was to escape from government control. The governments can't control cryptocurrency but they can scare people that don't understand blockchain and decentralized currency from investing. I can't give trading advise....Research and invest with what makes sense to you...don't invest on what someone else says...
Yes, you are right, the price of btc is now affecting steem,sbd and other cryptocurrencies.
With my own knowledge,
At the end of each month, investor sell there btc to pay some bills, so after a week, some new investor are waiting for btc to drop so that they can invest then, so my own prediction is that btc will pump up by next week. New investors are pumping money on btc now
That sounds right, I don't get into the markets too much. I research what I want to invest in for the long term. I don't like trading that much, I get too anxious lololol
I guess you've invested a good sum of dollar to topup your steempower early in your steemit posting right?
I came to steemit with nothing in my pockets and a creative curiousity @guruvaj. The hard forks changed several times since I was here and I tried to stuff all my earnings into SP and once in a while I would either sell some SBD or power down and sell my steem. I first invested in bitcoin and when I became comfortable trading I branched out to other conservative coins like LTC and Dash. My speculative coins have been EOS, which has been the best, BTS is great because I love the guy who coded Steemit and his father who runs bit shares. I bought some eth so I can have some gas for registering my EOS and saw a lot of growth in that as well.
Some months I've earned a lot of rewards and other months I've earned just a few rewards. Sometimes that was because of the hard forks and reward pool, or SBD and Steem were cheap or people weren't interested in my art...so I work very hard on content and invest for the long term in platforms that will be able to move data quickly, efficiently, with little fees and energy involved.
Inevitability their ass. We will be fine. Just hold.
I'm thinking to buy a couple if it drops more.
I have my eye on a couple of cryptos and bitcoin is one of them ;-) it's like my savings account
Amen sister.
Thank you kindly brother @manorvillemike.
This is the main reason why i keep all my asset in cryptocurrency, you are your own bank.
Exactly, succinctly put @fr3world.
I couldn't agree more. Let the market decide.
Unfortunately, the banksters control the governments that have all the guns and fear at their beck and call... :O
The struggle between good and evil goes on.

We have a lot of guns as well, but we have something soulless entities like the government and banks don't have...we are creative and they are blundering zombies!
Hahahahaha! Truth! :D
and it's going up again! lolol
I spoke about this in the morning
the market Just need to be well calculated before investment. Right now, many investors are now buying in to crypto but the drop rate might discourage many and make them sell their crypto with fear of losing..
But surely Bitcoin is going to moon again very soon.
Watch Out!! @reddust
@ssonia, low prices make me happy....I can by more coins very cheaply....I hope those who are discouraged read your comment and hold steady!
this is good btc information.
Will the future be otherwise. @reddust, for now the price of sbd has gone down and steam is now starting to increase.
I try not to pay too much attention to the ups and downs of the market because I get sea sick :P
yyyy, i understand @reddust
It GONNA be Green again don't worry , I bought BTC last yeart when it was 900$ So everything its Ok until now huh
I know, my husband bought a bunch of BTC when it was 300....so we aren't freaking out ...this is a gamble anyway. Don't gamble what you can't afford to lose!
I have converted some of the STEEM currency into the platform Binance today, and I want to convert it into my bank account
How to do it ?
You will need to ask an expert. I only know of Bittrex and Coinbase exchanges that will exchange SBD for BTC and then convert into your countries currency. You will need valid state ids and your country will need to be supported by the exchange. Other than that little bit of info, I cannot offer anymore advise.
A very big finance specialist said that about years ago. "Bitcoin is a baloney, This balloon blowing needle" you say now @reddust
I take specialist with a grain of salt...lolol, only time will tell the truth @turkishcrew.
You are right. But the blockchain has now proven itself. Good luck @reddust
Some day i will become like you 😂
You have a 1.5 years, get hustling, time waits for no one!
As i said i will do my best ..,,and by the way i just posted some sketches 😅🙄hope you find them good
can bitcoin will up again
Bitcoin is under attack and so are all cryptocurrencies ....this is just the begging, get ready for a good fight!
Or we could panic. Always nice to see a good panic.
This is why I stay out of crowded venues lolol....
I am holding all my cryptocurrencies and staying away from the crazy crowds.
i am very sad to see btc now.
how do you think btc future friends ... ??
I don't see Bitcoin going anywhere right now, it still will hold value and be used in trade.
I am very sad to see btc now
This is the nature of the cryptocurrency markets. Don't be afraid or sad, BTC has survived this long, it will live to fight a good fight.
I have lost about 1 million. I am very sad..
Don't sell anything, just sit like a hen on her egg...shhhhhh be quiet don't upset the sitting hen!
I will obey.
if later we already have a profit I will sell it.
and let me know when it's time
@reddust - Ma'm I also believe this is the end of BitCoin era... Nice you shared this post...
I don't see bitcoin ending, it and cryptocurrencies in general can't be controlled by centralized power and is a threat regarding those who control markets and fiat currencies.
man, I wish I had started in crypto when you did! That is great you have been able to make such profits from it! When I switched accounts I started by power down to bring my SP over to this new account, but so far most of it has been transfered to the market which I have bought other crypto's with; but I still think I will buy back some Steem at some point. the question is which one(s) will rise the soonest? Are you invested in other alt coins? Which are your favorites?
I am waiting for the right moment to sell most of my other cryptocurrencies and reinvest in Steemit and several other blockchain exchanges like EOS and Bitshares. Bitcoin helped me by a lot of other cryptocurrencies and I have faith it will survive and become a holder of value, kind of like gold.
makes sense. EOS is one of my best performers so far!
It's been one of my favorites not just because of it's price but because of how well thought out its functions are...the white paper is a little to technical for me to understand completely but I was really impressed with the work and detail.
in the last few days btc down, so drastic and difficult in the prediction, good post friends,
I seen since 2011 drastic ups and down in the cryptocurrency markets...I'm buckling up for an interesting ride here in 2018...don't freak out during extreme dips and rises.
roughly for this month two rises, what's down again,
Buy and hodl
I am waiting for the dip...this will be a good time for buyers!
Thanks for sharing information about bitcoin. I hold it or buy it. Please give me suggestion.
I do not give advice...there is a lot of information on Steemit from well seasoned veterans of the cryptomarkets. You can do a search and educate yourself.
What a great analogy for the current markets. We are at a major turning point and I believe we are about to see Agent Smith get his butt kicked.
I am kinda craving a good fight...
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum"
Lol, yes! 😄
How can answer says "Bitcoin or other successful crypto currency can not completely replace the currency fiat, this is a dream for dreamers unfulfilled dream. Compete in power with the main attributes of the state, which are banks, national money, tax authorities, is very dangerous. In this competition, the crypto currency will clearly lose here, because states have existed for thousands of years and nobody has ever managed to destroy it for a more or less long time."
awesome video really @reddust
Thanks for your information and wonderful video @reddust
Your post is full of information, video is so nice Thanks for sharing
very good video sister.
Hopefully Bitcoin weather the storm.Governments and the banks are trying their hardest to centralize cryptocurrency.
actually i'm new steemit user it' my first experience in cryptocurrency hope to be a great experience thank you @reddust
@reddust we can say that is only be described as a rotten day in cryptocurrency BITCOIN'S price has bounced back,!! it will going up but now is a good time to buy
Btc is here to stay there is a new genaration of wealth that they want for themselves but the people know better time to wake up
wow nice video
The post that you posted about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency contains many important information about this, which is very useful for me. Through this post I learned something new. Thank you so much for sharing this great news about Bitcoin with us
Thanks a lot for sharing and discuss
About Bitcoin.
I think this time bitcoin some things demotion .
But some time after increase bitcoin .
Very good friend.
Upvote and resteem..
this is nice movie
Very good friend.
I have new my post
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..
great post, the future is bright and even CNBC is telling everyone to HODL
Will the bitcoin ever rise up again! I am very surprise to see bitcoin going down this way so sad.
In my country nigeria, it has been annouce not to invest in btc and south korea has barren btc and am sure other country will join south korea. Is possible for btc to still drop more than this.
In my own opinion I think bitcoin will rise again this is the death of fiat currency not Bitcoin! I would like to see the people take control of our currency and let the market decide which currencies they want
Don't be scared, that is the drama of cryptocurrencies, it would rise back next week, some investor will invest. Some cash there btc while some investors are waiting for the opportunity.