Steemit Profits Bought Me A Propur Water Filter

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Thank You Steemit And Steemian Friends

City Water Is Full Of Toxic Chemicals

Because I suffer from Fibromyalgia which comes with a package of medical problems I've had to deal with over the last 25 years, anywhere from kidney to bladder infections, debilitating fatigue, cognitive fog, muscle and joint issues, digestive issues dealing with my gallbladder and pancreas, which thankfully are in remission right now. The "Evidence Based" medical doctors and the pharmaceutical industry almost killed me treating my symptoms. After I tried everything my primary care doctor gave me and my body and mind continued to disintegrate. By the By, at that time I was on one of the best health insurance plans in America. I have a cardboard box full of medical test data from all my doctor and hospital visits, including lots of emergency visits for bladder and kidney infections. Instead of giving up I threw all my medicine away after remembering what my Grandma Dorothy taught me, "Food is medicine."

Strike A Steemit Selfie Pose

Steemit Bought Me A Traveler Propur Water Filter

All city water and much of our countries aquifers are polluted now. I try and drink purified water to limit chemical exposure so that my body has the ability to rest and heal rather than trying to shed toxins all the time.

25 Years Later

Over the last 25 years I've slowly changed my eating habits. I don't eat sugar or processed foods anymore. I eat a varied "organic" diet based on what my ancestors ate, which was small amounts of whole grains, animal and legume proteins, roots and tubers, and large amounts of dark leafy greens, with a small amount of fruit. I eat a lot of dark green fermented veggies, unpasteurized fermented vegetables are the best kind of probiotic, which will restore your gut flora and fauna ecosystem. I regularly took huge amounts of antibiotics for years because of kidney and urinary infections I suffered back in the 1990s. I also suffer from PTSD (childhood sexual abuse) and chronic pain I was on antidepressants as well, which are just as bad as antibiotics for killing off all the little bugs that live in your digestive system and digest your food. Without the ecosystem in your gut the body will fall apart and you will go crazy. I know because that happened to me.

Remember I live in Oklahoma, the land of Tornadoes! I have an emergency plan for natural disasters, being a country girl and all, I know nature can be unpredictable and so can people. Most of my emergency stuff is also part of my camping outfit as well. I store bulk grains and legumes for emergency and daily use, buying in bulk saves money, seeds for the next years garden, silver for hard currency, hand crank radio, a solar rechargeable unit for our digital devices, candles, water filters for our backpacks that also have guns and ammo, yeah I am a Buddhist that packs a handgun! I don't target practice regularly anymore but for most of my childhood and adult life we practiced monthly through the year, usually with rifles. I've practiced with handguns so I don't react to the kick. I don't like handguns the kick kind of freaks me out so I need to practice more to develop muscle memory.

Toxic America / Tracking the hazardous chemicals that seep stealthily into our bodies In 1998, U.S. industries reported manufacturing 6.5 trillion pounds of 9, 000 different chemicals, and in 2000, major American companies -- not even counting the smaller ones -- dumped 7.1 billion pounds of 650 different industrial chemicals into our air and water.


Evedence Based Medicine: Nowadays medical practice is supposedly (more) scientific. But actually, medical theory seems to have taken a backseat to the lessons-from-experience approach. Today’s catch phrase is “evidence-based medicine,” and that “evidence” typically takes the form of results from clinical trials, in which potential treatments are tested on large groups of people. It’s basically just a more systematic approach to Hippocrates’ advice that doctors base diagnosis, treatments and prognosis on experience with previous patients. But instead of doctors applying their own personal clinical experience, they rely on generalizing the results of large trials to their particular patients.

some_text A link to My Blog


Checkout a post of mine about our water system. We have court cases thrown out because the water company owns the whole parish. We have a brain eating ameoba and we still can't get a politician to take up our case for better water. What money does to people is sick and our families pay for it.

And the govern-cement still spins the story that we are here to protect you.
We have to control this, or you might get poisoned.

It's that old line of "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Help who?

I am sorry to hear that @rusticman1, time to start depending on the community and yourself to take care of our personal and local problems!

That's the rub. The city can't build a water treatment plant because all the lines are mortgage. We can't come up with enough money to buy them and build a facility. The debt of this nation has inprisoned us.

It seems the only answer you have right now is to filter your own water and help those buy filters that cannot afford to do so through fund raising projects.

Wow congrats, I might have to get one of those. I drink mostly bottled water, but it gets expensive

Bottled water isn't that healthy, the water is full of chemicals from the waters source as well as chemicals leached from the plastic container. Also you can't reuse the plastic bottle which adds a great burden to our waste system.

sorry to hear about your health problems. I am happy because i live in the country where wather is very clean and healthy for drinking but everything else is wrong haha

There is no such thing as an utopia! But I have learned so much about myself and the society I live in trying to find balance and health. Thank you @lasper for stopping by..

Congrats on being able to buy this filter. Cheers to your continued good health!

Do you purify it with a priest before drinking? :d

I am not religious or spiritual, I am practical, I practice common sense.

I'm not serious! :d

I am always I am being sarcastic lololol....

I think we would be a great comedy act ;-)

Ppfffft maybe :D

@reddust What about bottled water like Sam's Club water or the filtered water from dispensers such as those outside grocery stores? Is that safe to drink? Thanks! 😀

All storage plastic containers should be viewed with skeptical eye, most plastics contain hormon mimicking chemicals that jack your endocrine system. Most bottled waters are full of chemicals from their source and plastic packaging. You need to ask your retailer how their water is filtered and stored.

Smart investment mam @reddust

Country girls have to be smart or we starve, thank you @being-human.

yes mam very well said.

Now i'm doing a post about solar water :)

I will stop by for a visit as soon as you post @dim753!

Thanks a lot reddust i'm drinking that water and my body feels really good now, It's in spanish but you can use any traslator :)

@dim753, steemit has taught me how to use google translator lololol

Yes sure jaja

Hi, i must say this is great confession post and im glad you are healthier now. I agree that food is our medicine and a healthy way of living and thinking. Im not using any chemical farmacy medicine for ages cuz i think most of them only cure simpthoms. Very nice post i like it.

I learned the hard way, treating symptoms does not cure the cause. Have a great weekend @luckysteem!

ahhhh <3

dabest pure water from mountain :p

Yes if you are lucky and the streams are clean, water from the mountains snow-melt is the best! We had to be careful drinking from mountain streams where I come from because there is bacteria that live in cold running water that can make some people sick. l never got sick, we called the illness, "Beaver-fever, diarrhea and high fever with achy bones.

That's great take care !!

Nice! I here those are great units. Where I grew up we had a deep well that was cold and clear. The water was so good tasting probably as close as you can get to ~ "Structured Water"...

I grew up on clean very deep well water as well @smartcasual. However, the state of Oregon I grew up in became the Christmas tree capital of the world and all our aquifers in our state are polluted from factory farming which uses high amounts of pesticides and herbicides.

When will we learn :( I would say that the well water I grew up on in MI is no longer clean because of the same "factory, farming, pesticides and herbicides" even though I lived in the rural country it has totally changed. I'm not sure what it is called anymore ~ rural country suburban urban...

Nothing will change soon regarding our chemical pollution problem. So I figured be proactive and try and help my body eliminate toxins through diet, eat organic and drink and bathe with purified water.

nice u pic...

Diet and genetics 😉

A Buddhist with a handgun... Voles pacet - para bellum.
Your just reminded me of the Shaolin monks :)

I think the Dalai Lama said if you have to defend yourself and have a gun use it! There is wise compassion and foolish compassion, he is a wise man.

“If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.”

Yes. I understand. Cause and effect.
cause and effect.gif

I am happy that you could by something that improve your lifestyle and medical condition.

I had to do something, I had a farm to care for, a husband who drank too much and was mean, and for kids that were quickly turning into teenagers. I had to go to work to help pay the bills after being a stay at home mom and I was very sick.

Our medic-ill industry doesn't know anything about treating fibromyalgia.
In fact, they know a negative amount, as they have thrown out the root causes as not being important, nor something that any intelligent person should look at.

Fibromyalgia is easy to cure, but the half the cure is getting at the emotions that are crystallizing. Which means, deep therapy sessions. And working on yourself. Usually mother/father issues that most people ignore as not important.

I am glad you got a good water filter. It is one of the most important things to being healthy.

I did retreat work without knowing that trauma over a long period of time was part of my problems. I had to learn to react to life in a less stressful way and it worked along with exercise and changing my diet to simple nutritional dense food sources. You are spot on @builderofcastles, this took me at least 10 years after I did all my retreat work and let go of my night terrors, panic attacks, and dumped all my toxic relationships, that includes my toxic relationship with myself.

That's a good news! Health is the most valuable thing that we can earn in our lives! Great thinking and thanks for sharing your experiences with us!


It's my pleasure sharing, I hope someone can use this information to improve their lives. That would be the best reward of them all @theguruasia.

thanks for the info upvoted

When you say "silver for hard currency" what types of silver do you consider? Just curious

I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties! I absolutely agree with you, it's awful the amount of toxins added to everything we consume.

It's awesome that steem bought you a purifier, I love the feeling of using steem to fund things, the novelty of my bitpay card has yet to wear off :)

So smart to limit the toxic load on your cells as much as possible, and I got a kick out of hearing about your gun-toting self ;-)