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RE: [solved] AM I A VICTIM OF VOTE STEALING? - perhaps your account has been also abused and you don't even know it ...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

@davidke20 Thanks for these insightful observations. I know of and consult it multiple times per day, to check for replies and upvotes. And when I check it looks like he has delegated posting authority to seven different entities. Is that correct? And giving someone/something one's Posting key allows them to vote with one's account?


Steemd will show those apps one have authorized ACTIVE key. And active key not only authorized for posting, also activate custom json for online scripting. Way much larger authority than simple voting authority alone.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh yeah, that reminds me. A couple months ago I was looking at some little gizmo that let you compose your blog posts and mark 'em up and whatnot. But when I went to sign up for it, it wanted my Active key, so I dropped it like a hot potato. It seemed to me there was no reason for it to need any more than my Posting key.

It depends on the way a platform handles your posting authority. In #esteem app, you can choose to use 3 types of posting authority.

  1. By furnishing only posting key, you're strictly limited to authoring post, upvote and minor navigation

  2. By authorizing active key, you're strictly limited to he usage of wallet function. Back in the older version, I have always been using esteem as my convenient wallet.

  3. Master key, can use both. But if you lose your phone, good chance is you lose everything.

Now the latest version of 2.1 will be using active key authority. Can handle both wallet and posting function. It's just the way how it's being designed. No right or wrong. People play drugwars with active keys. Do they have a problem? That's because DW required to send custom json on behalf of account owner.

Posted using Partiko Android