
Thank you :) Well, a LOT of steeming, networking and cooperating with other members ;)

Please you can give me some clues of your networking tactics if you wouldn't mind. I steem alot and also connect but it hasn't been paying off. You're the first that I've seen here recently that achieved a dolphin status without investing personal cash. I used to think that it's not possible because that's what everyone at the top seem to be saying to those of us at the base.

I am afraid there is no particular recipe. I can just tell you I have been steeming long hours every single day, working on my blog, working with/for other people, interacting with the community here on the platform as well as in private chats, discords etc. If you dont want to invest your funds in it, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and probably also luck to succeed here. Good luck and Steem on! :)

Thanks for the response. I appreciate