in #steemit6 years ago

The word is gotten from Commit, To commit means to entrust,put in charge, keep in charge! Thus committment is birth from Commit,it is birth from being in charge.Committment involves consignment for an assignment. Before we move to the major definition of committment,let's take an illustration:
For any man to commit an organization or assignment into another man's care,he has to be sure that the man is capable and can be entrusted, hence he can commit things into his hands. The action of proving to be capable of what has been committed into his/her hand is committment.
The first instance where God committed an assignment into man's hand was in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 1:26-29 He committed the garden into man's hand.Man responded by his committment to name the animals and take care of the garden ( Gen.2:19-20). Though he later lost this committment by disobedience.
Definition of committment

  • It means to be boundly engaged in an action/assignment. This means you are engaged in an assignment such that you are bound to carry out the assignment irrespective of the situation around.
    Case study
    Adam: he was bound to carry out the duty f taking charge of the Garden which he did diligently. Irrespective of how the garden looked he took charge and took care of the garden.
    Joseph: he was in a strange land yet he was boundly engaged to his assignment to take charge of Potiphar's household. He was committed to his duty despite the circumstances around him.
  • Committment means taking responsibility for all that has been entrusted into your hands.
    Many people do not like to take responsibility,we always want to be amongst the crowd and still be heard!(even some leaders also). Many times we love to shift responsibility to others,we make excuses for not being responsible!
    Case study
    Imagine if God decided not to take responsibility of waking you up daily,imagine he shifted the responsibility to the angels? Even God neither sleeps nor slumber,he takes responsibility to be in charge of us as his children!
    Committment is like an Umbrella that houses a lot of things.

Commitment is HARD.
A- Accountability
R- responsibility
D- Diligence
You can't be committed and be lazy. Every committed man is accountable for whatever has been committed into your hands. Taking responsibility is key in being committed.Committment requires diligence (excellence)

Principles of committment
*Whatever you commit yourself to will also commit itself back to you!( Gal6:7). If you are committed to your job,you will definitely get paid salary,if you are committed to God he will in turn be committed to you also!
*You can only be committed when you are connected. You can't be committed to strangers,but you can only be committed to whoever you are connected to. You can be committed to those you have relationship with. Scripture says Jesus did not commit himself to the multitude but he was committed to his disciples and to God ultimately.

  • You can't be committed to anyone you don't love(Jhn 14:15).Stop struggling to be committed to anyone or anything you don't love,when you are in love,you can't help it,you will just be committed!
    Committment can't be birth through desire or wishing;you need to take action. Get to love God enough to be committed to him,stop committing yourself to temporary things(phone,sleep,movies,etc),the reward is not far fetched,it's temporal and will soon fade away,but commit yourself to eternal things that will forever offer you an incorruptible treasure that lasts forever.
    Stop giving God the Crumbs, stop giving him all- Partial committment this is No commitment!(Matt.22:37)