I sincerely believe that this button should only be pressed on a post that at least 98% of steameans find offensive.
Intentionally using this as a tool of purnishment, or a way of slowing somebody's progress or any other reason that has to do with how you feel about someone or his/her post, is very unfair.
Please let your gift and wealth be for the upliftment of others.
The little fund that comes from here may not mean anything to you but it does mean a whole lot to another.
Some actions we take casually here can impact positively or negetively on another in real life.
Let's put a human face in all we do.
If there is a community member that is erring, he/she can be corrected via replies.
This is more reason why I advocated for a private massaging system here so that one can approach another in private in such circumstance.
Thank you all.
Downvoted.......not really x
How do you mean? I didn't get that.