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RE: 1.30 Post #SOTU Guest Calls - GREAT DISCUSSIONS

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi Michael, I am trying to get the hang of this DTube/steemit model. I just wanted to share this with you and get your point of view on this eye opening lecture given at Boston College in 2005. What Dr. Freeman Dyson endorsing is the need for "young heretics". He goes on to discuss his view on "global warming" . I really just wanted to share this fabulous lecture and I hope that you listen to it if you have time. Here is the link:

Thank you for all that you do in creating new and interesting perspectives that I might "try on". I found you through your FABULOUS New Year video that has been banned on YouTube. I have shared many of your videos with my brother. In the meantime, I wish you well and I will continue to enjoy your work on DTube.