==> Passport cakes / cookie tips (tips on making) <==
100 gr sago
25 gr rice flour
100 gr sugar
50 ml of water pandan suji
200 ml of coconut milk
a pinch of salt
2 lbr leaves pandan2 torn
Create a top:
shredded coconut + salt, steamed
Santan, pandanus water etc. COULD NOT COOKED. Jd all the ingredients can be directly mixed together and then directly pour into the mold
Why sy cook his coconut milk? Spy cakes more durable than that kue2 who use pandanus water and coconut milk is always sy cook spy does not smell its pandan langu
Need ga oil dioles mold? Sy udh make a few times never smear its mold krn dough udh cake batter enough oily dr
Cover the lid of the steamer with the water spy cloth steamer does not fall into the cake. Water kettaresan ntar cake is not smooth
Kog there is a hollow cake with holes? Sy himself do not know the cause of his 😄 sy jg confused why the top can be hollow 😅 who obviously succeeded must be hollow pie her
Mold yg sy wear it cake talam cake, plastic cup cake. Sy ga tau deh kalo pake other prints if the results are similarly perforated
Good luck. Better pake original pandanus dr pd pasta .. color, taste and fragrant must be different