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RE: HF20 - What is Enough?

in #steemit6 years ago

Thanks for getting that clarificataion from the witnessess whcih makes it clearer for me. I've been ssporadic for a few days so I was a little confused as to what it would mean for new users.

No way could I have survived off that amount of comments. They tell you from the start that you should network if you want to succeed, now the message is teh same except you dont have the ability to network in the way it takes to be noticed. I do think they need to increase the support for little ones. However, one post a day is enough really - if you are posting more than that you probably are spamming or need to spend more time creating a quality post worth reading. There's pressure to produce every day which is kinda less valuable than the conversations and interactions.

One thing I'm a bit unsure about is the fact we're all going to have to jump up and support plankton by delegating and doing things to help new users get a leg up, which isn't entirely fair. Communities certainly need to help each other out and I'm absolutely up for helping the new users, but isnt' this what Stinc should be doing? It's kinda like throwing the kids into the jungle and saying 'fend for yourselves, and oh, dont forget to give all your food to the babies as they'll die too, which means your future will be fucked as well'. Excuse my french.

I'm kinda caught between "i'm' sure it's for the best, there's good things about this new version' and 'what they hell are they really, and it's all broke'. I dont know enough to really get how it's all going to play out.

Posted using Partiko Android


I think you summed that up quite well! Yep, they are putting it on us to make this a success now. They feel they've done their duty to fight the spammers and now we have to make sure the newbie can get through that filter by finding them one by one and pulling them through. Great plan!

I'm trying to be positive about it, because I am grateful for so much they do and have done, but come on. How did this become our job?