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RE: How I Walked Away From it All and Retired at 29 (and how STEEMIT is helping me)

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I read a bunch of the comments, and for me it is now only the wife and I, but we also have 14 dogs, 6 of our own and 8 foster dogs. It's like having 14 two-year-old kids in the house.

Anyway, I too cannot retire from my current profession. However, when I joined the US Air Force at 18 and through my first tour of 4 years, I learned to walk away, or "retire" from, things that do NOT benefit or interest me.

When conflict arises somewhere in my life, if I quickly analyze the situation, and I do without whatever the conflict is over, I just walk away, or "retire" from the situation. It is not worth getting aggravated over something you can't potentially fix.

It really boils down to choosing the battles you want to fight, and not participating in the ones that don't matter to YOU or your loved ones.