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RE: STEEM's #1 Crippling Flaw

in #steemit8 years ago

We all understand that this provides a larger opportunity for the one who was plagiarized, and TECHNICALLY, someone who is also promoting your brand and content should get paid for their effort to do so!

Fake accounts are going to happen. It is not something to solve at the protocol level. The protocol needs to be COMPLETELY neutral...and then allow the protocol services to decide what to censure from users. I say this from experience in the crypto world... this tends to be a good thing. Nothing wrong with neutrality--you cannot make everyone happy, and in this new world we are heading towards, we are sick of censorship. Aren't we?

I believe we both agree that:

  • Censorship Problem > Plagiarism Problem

yes, we DO agree on that!

but beyond plagiarism, there's still that problem with fake accounts.