
watch out I have been told some horror storys about people going out of there way to spend 24 hours nonstop flagging of everything you have ever posted and anything you try to post. its fucked up. atleast you can see who flagged you and try to avoid them. if you get flagged to much you end up disappearing and no one can see anything you posted. it happens tho. they need to fix the ability for easily offended/triggered people too around flagging people at least in my opinion. 8D best just to laff like you did!

oh yeah i can sure see him.. transparent asshole is what he is..whales get whale boners making good people disapear ;[ this is a sad place and is not for me.. i am taking my coins and goin home ;*( and even that will take me two years!!! wow fml steam power has made some of us powerless while some have too much power.. where is the balance?.. i better stop before .. you know why..

don't get discourged. its only one down vote. xD

i was the curator fair and square ;[

Idk but I've been having similar issues where you get flagged almost just because