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RE: What Makes A Successful Story: The FIVE Winning Ingredients For A Highly-Rewarded Steemit Post

in #steemit9 years ago

I respectfully disagree - having been in that exact space you write from myself, for a long time...

"our society has been dumbed down... there is no interest in real world happenings... let's focus on things that don't matter... large majority of people just don't give a fuck..." these are all PERSPECTIVES. Not Truths. and when it boils down to it, authoring such a repeating story over & over again turns into an excuse for not becoming the change you want to see in the world.

this is all a one-sided perspective - one WELL-presented on Facebook. it's not REALITY.

a large number of people DO give a fuck. how many millions of NGOs & NPOs are out there trying to make a difference...?

people bitch about the coming economic collapse. OTHERS ARE BUILDING NEW MODELS AND SOLUTIONS.

Idiots shoot each other with guns. Meanwhile, there are millions for each dead that are committed to creating peace in their lives, families, and communities.

how many people have been pushing for solar energy? basic income? humanitarian justice?

out of those "indoctrination camps" DO rise nobel prize winners and doctors creating cures for diseases and engineers creating transformative technologies to clean up the environment and solve man's worst problems.

"awakening others" does NOT mean shouting loudly a perspective about what a bad state the world is in. and each will "awaken" in their own ways, in their own time.

and the greatest awakening is NOT the acknowledgement of the negative in the world - but an acceptance that we live in a dualistic reality, with billions of souls simultaneously undertaking billions of different lessons, each experiencing various extremes, each evolving at their own perfect pace - and with that acceptance, awakening to a love for it ALL - awakening to a compassion - awakening to a passion to connect with those invested in creating solutions and a new world that makes the outdated, corrupted systems obsolete.

there's both dark AND light in the world. that's the way it will always be. though it's never as "bad" as some make it seem...