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RE: Minnow And Data: A Steemit Tale Part 2

in #steemit8 years ago

I don't know how many of these you have planned but just let me say that this series is what I think should be " trending" with thousands of upvotes and associated dollars.
If some posts are worth more than $1k each, I would double the amount for the outstanding creativity shown here.
This is a fitting example of what is dysfunctional in the current voting system.
If there were 1 million users on Steemit, most of whom were not crypto enthusiasts, what would do you think would happen to stories like this?
We desperately need some way to let people outside of the Steemit ecosystem know that this kind of content is welcomed and can earn significant money over time.
I hope my enthusiasm here encourages you to double down on this type of effort and content.
Steemit will quickly blow away everything else in today's social media landscape by finding a way to properly reward, promote, and syndicate this type of content along with other of the excellent but undervalued content (in terms of votes and money received) I am seeing here lately.
I could go on, but I think you get the picture!!


Yes MANY people would agree with this.
I would also add that a MAJOR problem with the voting system I see, is that to get significant curation rewards one must UPpvote the content that "is going to bank" so this encourages people to either strictly use their votes for "proven" money makers or use non full power votes on other content.
I have had posts with 150 votes worth under $2.
So this means people UPvote accounts that are every day making 100's or 1,000's of dollars to get curation rewards. I see people upvoting not only content they haven't read but content they don't even care for.
This keeps exposure and adequate compensation from reaching lots of quality content.

Though, while there are problems there are also solutions.
One is that we can compose unique content here in Steemit and promote these articles all over the Internet. This not only brings in more support for us here in Steemit, but also lets the world know about Steemit and that diverse and interesting content is here.
We can also commit to UPvoting and sharing/supporting the content we really do find valuable, despite the regular $$$ of the account postings.
I do see groups forming and friendships being made. Lots of this is with "schools of minnows" and some "dolphins" and because these accounts don't have much SP relative to whales, they still don't have to much influence, BUT every day we are growing, indavidualy and as groups.
Great things take time~*~

"I have had posts with 150 votes worth under $2."
This is a major problem.

Yesterday I saw a post with 43 upvotes and 0.00 as a payout. I upvoted it -lifting it only to 0.03.
I think there is a lot the 'middle' (dolphins) who have around 10-100MV can do directly to promote content they like. One is upvoting.
But you can also throw a few SBD to promote a great post.

This doesnt solve the whole problem by any means -Just some thoughts for what we can do Right Now, to support amazing creators, so they continue to create here on Steem. Comment so that they at least know their work was seen/appreciated. In some cases with artists etc it can also be possible to purchase artwork with Steem. Like @andrarchy did very early on. I think I remember you also tried doing things like this directly with people? With Golden tickets.

Yes I am sure others have had similar experiences and I guess I exaggerated bit but here is a post that got 67 uproots worth .30 which is almost as bad.

Here is a post with 100+ upvotes and less than a $1. And a really cool artist too.

I suspect it has to do with the system correcting after the initial overpayment period. Not sure behind the maths of it all, but I did read the White Paper today, and a lot of the regulation is upon us the users. :-)

Not only do I get the picture, the picture is pretty much etched into my skull. I am probably going to be publishing these on Amazon, as I think children need a way to understand complex concepts like "blockchain" "extrinsic vs. instrinsic reward systems" "how to treat people" "consulting the collective to make decisions instead of creating an aristocracy" "free thought" "how to cultivate and grow curiosity". A lot of what's in my story is also in the picture below:
artist is Arthur Berzinsh

That is great and would certainly fill a void online. I applaud your efforts!!

I love this art...glad you found the artist--deep stuff.

I've been playing my own game since I got onto Steemit: #1. People #2. Engagement. Platforms come and go, but people will follow you to whatever new cave you haunt, as long as your content isn't shit. I've playing the same game that I've been playing my entire online life. The rules haven't quite caught up with my internal game.

Awesome. You are a great role model for me to follow!!!

So, the Angel/Devil voice in my brain, is saying... I am very interested in this Steemy thing, but... If I feel it is off kilter, and I know it, and I stay... Am I part of the problem?

I am not poor, I will be okay either way...