If the system allows it and has some flaws, each member will naturally use it for his/her own benefit. Having been here for a week, I believe overall the hardfork has been useful, everyone earns more value and it gives the minnows the potential to reach a higher voting power quicker. Furthermore minnows are more "liberal" with their upvotes as they're not worth much anyway. So a large number of minnows has a greater impact than before. The whales on the other hand probably feel more concerned as they have to be wiser on how they distribute their voting power.
I believe voting everyone with the same amount as you did is probably the wisest choice (maybe not 1 percent though), unless you see something really interesting worth upvoting then afterall it's up to you on how you use your powers.
Is self-voting immoral or harmful for the site, that I don't know.
Thanks for commenting!
If a whale or a dolphin upvotes other whales and dolphins he can expect some very 'nice' upvotes in return. If he votes for minnows their vote in return is worth nothing for him. How do you think whales and dolphins will vote now as only few high impact votes are available? :)
My 1 % vote rewards you with about 50 cent ... but maybe I should vote a little bit heavier ... so far I am not sure myself what is best ...
How do you define 'interesting'? Interesting because of good content or interesting because I will get a huge upvote in return if I vote for it? :)You're welcome and thank you for replying haha, with all these comments you're a busy person.
It's probably common practice for some whales and dolphins already, they stay within their bubble. However I like to believe that most are like myself and upvote depending on the post regardless of whether it's a minnow or a whale.
Yeah, I can't say either what is best. I have yet little knowledge on the matter. :)
When you see effort has been put in it. When the content is useful or informative. When it touches you personally, by feeling... upvoting just because you have something to gain in return, I just find it lame. Instinctively the aim is to reward what is worth rewarding.
Nice if you see things like that.