Yes. I almost 100 agree on that with you. Although I also think that.. I do not know if you are in other social networks or if you read web pages.
If you look, in part, that is the attitude that users are taking the most today.
And the social networks that receive comments. They are always squirting comments. In fact. A large part of the technology web pages where I constantly inform myself.
They have completely suppressed comments, or failing that; They have largely hidden them.
Users currently do not comment, almost nowhere. Except that they need or want very specific information.
In my facebook group. Ocurrs the same.
Users now look for the most instantaneous. Commenting is not, it is not fast, it is not agile. Less from a mobile device.
We could say that now Twitter and Instagram are used, maybe also Facebook. As if it were the old messenger of Microsoft.
But, ¿What is Steemit's big problem?
That in the web pages even if no comments are left they still have Google traffic.
That on Facebook even if you do not comment or think too much, you still have the traffic acquired previously.
What if. You look at the traffic analytics of the web pages or if you analyze the statistics of a Facebook page. You will realize that although there is no such participation.
On other platforms if there are users viewing the content, on Steemit. I have many doubts. I think not. That is the big difference.
I say it because it is something that on the Facebook page I am suffering daily.
I say it because it is something that on the Facebook page I am suffering from this every day.
It is difficult for me to get users to participate. They make me feel "alone."
And I only get visibility with very specific content.
The technical content is absolutely discarded from the user's visualizations.
You can not even imagine the difference between a publication of technical content, with a publication of a simple and ridiculous technological meme downloaded from Google.
The meme, which took me 3 minutes to download
and publish. In almost all occasions. It is able to multiply the attention attracted by users. Minimum, I would say a minimum of 5 or 6 times more attraction; than any other publication that I have shared. Publications that have taken me 2, 3 or more days to make.
All the content that goes viral, are memes or the "simplest" content among everything I can get to publish.
That there are many variables within "all this". That is something obvious. Equally obvious it is.
That there are millions and millions of people who want memes or simple content that makes them smile.
And it turns out that the witnesses of Steemit or people 100% interested in the technical content of Steemit; how many people can they be? Less than a thousand?
And those less than a thousand are the only ones who are 100% interested in the content we have every day on the cover of Steemit.
From top to bottom.
They are a minority. I would dare to say that they are even a minority within Steemit.
Well, this cause has been like this, since I'm in Steemit; and I've been thinking the same thing since then. But apparently nobody notices.
Or maybe, they don't want to realize, maybe for them, this is their perfect Steemit forum. And they feel comfortable like that. With its own forum.
It's funny that they talk about Justin that he can break the platform with all his power.
Isn't that exactly what all the witnesses have been doing for the entire time I have been on Steemit?
Because it is like that. FROM what I have read that Justin could do now.
All they want. It is to protect yourself from Justin not doing exactly what they themselves have been doing for years and still doing today.
I would even say that, in many cases, regardless of whether your actions hurt the former Steemit team.
It is exactly what the whole group of witnesses has been doing until today. 100% control the platform. From the technical part, to the publications part, the bots part, the benefits part. EVERYTHING. They control everything.
Well, that was not what I was talking about. That is another subject.
I just wanted to say something else. Just I wanted to say.
That when all the people outside of Steemit enter here, the first thing they do is see the cover of the platform.
For them, see that content.
It must be the closest thing to contemplating a conversation between aliens they have seen in their lives.
No one has taken action on the matter, ever. What seems absolutely incredible to me.
How does someone want to attract users to the platform in this way?
It's crazy, but good. It is the reality of Steemit; and exactly for that, among many other things.
That's why I stopped publishing my content here (it wouldn't cost me anything to do it, because on my page, I, public on Markdown. I would just have to copy and paste), but I find it ridiculous.
Because I should lose those 5 minutes. Duplicating my content on Steemit. To post it on a forum about Steemit?
No. Until things start to change.
No thanks..
I thought I could change something with the communities. And I'm trying to launch a community with a little brain. But simply, it is a test.
More. I have already seen all the "communities / groups" of curators creating their own communities. The same groups financed by one or another witness. These "fictional communities" have already become owners of the entire new "communities" section completely on the website.
Instead of creating thematic communities and giving platform users another option.
They just want to do the same thing over and over again. "Don't let anything change, just in case." That is your average thinking base.
They keep doing the same. Because they want to continue defending themselves and harnessing their steem power donated by blind witnesses that allow them to destroy the platform from top to bottom.
So ... More of the same. It is cyclic.
That's why they want to live locked up here.
Anyway. I better go..
Because they enervate me to the point of making me cry.
The potential of this project seems incredible, if someone could turn it around; and do some strength and hard hand.
I see how Steemit has developed and it makes me want to scream, cry, kill myself.
Just by trial and error, sooner or later the project should have found some point of attracting users.
But no. I have been here for two years and nothing has changed in regards to the user.
Yes. Best. I am going.. At the end. It's none of my business, I can't do anything. Also, they told me in their day that it was better for me to remain silent.
So. I better I m go to my home. To continue seeing what happens here from the shadow.
For fear that my criticisms are poorly received and end up sending me to hell inside Steemit. I return to where I have been for almost two years.
You know what's around here. The devil leads the one who criticizes hell later.
And the power people end up killing you. Only. For not licking her ass.
Also. Unfortunately, I don't know English; and that limits me tremendously when participating.
I would love to share many more ideas. Although I don't know what would be better, if I was quiet or talking. Tssssssssssssssss. I'm leaving that I don't do anything, and in my time here nobody rewards me.. 😹
I have felt the same way since the bots were introduced and I investigated who owned all the steem. It was pre-mined and I kinda lost all hope for Steemit. In general, I think all social media is doomed, it really isn't social my friend and when you include money for likes and dislikes, interaction, all the positive leaves. For people like me its nice to get my artwork out. What's funny, I've made more money earning crypto showing and writing about my paintings than selling them!
LOL same. I read only the first and last paragraphs 🙈
A real shame, because maybe. If you could understand a little of the idea I try to convey.
Steemit's problems would be understood.
Today's users leave no comments anywhere.
Users are users of mobile devices; little participatory
Large social networks have traffic that Steemit does not have and that until immediate registration is implemented, it will be virtually impossible to achieve.
Thanks for the summary. Nothing against you it was just too long.
Time will tell..
Good. Bad luck.. Ideas for forgetting, without more.
Sometimes happens.. 🤞
First understand what I am talking about. Then you come to give me negatives. Piece of ghost.@coininstant
Your use of steemit is vomitive. You disgust me.
A little kiss 💋💋💋💋💋