After 1 Year On Steemit This Is What I Have To Say

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I've been using Steemit for over a year now and I want to share with you what I have learned so far, and some personal observations. Let me start by saying that this is not another milestone post about how grateful I am that I've found Steemit and how it completely changed my life for the better, because, in reality, I can honestly say I envisioned it to become something different, something better. And no, Steemit didn't change my life and I'm still the same person I was last year, the only difference is that I have some crypto in my wallet and I met a couple of new cool people.

This is not a rant, this is an observation.

Steemit is (no) different.

From Myspace, to Facebook and all the platforms in between, I've always been an active social media user. Some are good, some really suck, but what really gives value to these platforms are the users and how they interact. Steemit is no exception. Yes, Steemit is different, you can make money with it, it's supposed to be decentralized and it holds some unique features, but really, 99.99% of the people who use Steemit come for the money. Please don't forget that! Nothing wrong with it, no need to pretend, it's a simple fact.

Code is king.

Every social media has an official blog or video channel that is updated daily with news about the platform: what has happened, what is going on right now and what to expect in the future. The fact that even after a year online Steemit is still failing to deliver any kind of "direct" news channel just tells me they have no clue what they are doing and they prefer to keep quiet as we try to guess what's going on. It's nice to code and play with computers all day, but where is the social factor social media developers are putting out there? Have they heard of public relations, ever?

Advertisements? Ain't no one got time for that!

Another thing that bugs me is the fact that Steemit does not invest in advertising. It's cool when steamians run ads campaigns on other websites, but this is hardly enough. How do you expect to get noticed and reach millions of new users when no one knows you exist?

$$$: It's not about quality or quantity, it never was, it never will be.

Be honest, how many hours a day you spend reading blogs and interact? One hour, two, maybe three? Maybe you don't have a life and spend all day on Steemit, just like someone who is hooked on Facebook or Instagram? (You do know that's not really healthy for you, right?) Time is precious and it's unrealistic to think people really read every line of your posts. Maybe 1/10 of what is put out there really gets the interaction it deserves. There are simply not enough readers VS authors. In fact​ other authors are your readers.
If you have 10 upvotes, 1 or 2 people really read your posts. Sorry to break it down to you, but if you are not one of the chosen ones, no matter how hard you try you will never reach the trending tab, be a Steemit celebrity or become a whale. You always will have your small crowd of supporters, be thankful you have them. As I mentioned, it's all about the money, and who controls it. Steemit is a blockchain, its purpose is to move money around, while you blog. You can also make big money without posting a single article or comment, just invest in the platform and hope the price will jump.

It's a game.

People will always try to game the system, no matter what. And guess what? There is an elite group of Steemians who run the whole game. Just look at the distribution awards for proof. It's always the same authors that collect the fat payouts even if they post random shitposts. There are so many great authors out there who are using Steemit from the beginning and bring only quality and original content and they struggle to get 20$ out of a post. It's an unfair game, just like in real life: 1% holds 90% of the wealth. Surprised?

Steem is no longer cheap.

Another thing, if you haven't figured it out already, the sooner you join the platform the easier it will be for you to make money. With each passing day, it becomes harder to get bigger chunks of the rewards pool because the elites take away most of it and the fact that the platform is getting bigger is contributing. I used to make 100 Steem from a post worth about 15$. Good luck making 100 Steem now. A year from now it's going to be even harder.

So many nice posts and bots.

A typical Steemit post right now consists of 70% "nice post, follow me" comments, 20% bots and 10% real interaction. I'm not even going to comment on that.

I think I'll stop here. As with many things in life that sound too good to be true, Steemit is no exception. After one year I still enjoy using it, sometimes something really cool comes along, that blows my mind, and I know Steemit is the only place on the web where this could actually happen. There are many positive things going on around the platform, but they happen mostly because of the communities who get involved. I'm still going to use it, and try to contribute mostly by supporting my favorite authors, but as time passes and more users flock I realize, my best Steemit moments are behind me. I really wish that after one year from now I would be wrong.

Steem on!


Thank you for your sharing your observations. I have only been on Steemit for a couple months and I learn a little everyday. I'm not even sure I want to try to understand the deep dark inner workings but have found a few pockets of truly supportive and interesting people. I am guessing, as with anything, it is the effort and persistence you put into Steemit that will bring "rewards" is certainly not a get rich quick environment. It seems more like a "Survivor" version of Facebook over here and there are certainly people working the system but that is life, I suppose.

Thank you for all you are doing to improve this platform and for the help you have given me. And just to let you know, I read every word of your post. ;)

I really like the Survivor analogy. Thank you for your kind words.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Don't lie, I had a good reason for doing what I did, you know stolen content is not the way to go on Steemit. Have some respect for the platform and don't start spamming. That just another reason to get flagged​​.

The only way I will stop spamming is if you remove the down votes and leave me alone. Otherwise you may as well create another account...

So who is the bad guy now?

You ruined my account and I have nothing left to loose and plenty of time to kill so I'm just going to spam you indefinitely...

No, you will not.
Small fish like you have a limited bandwidth, once​ it's​ over you will need to wait for some time to post again or do anything at all on Steemit, and actually your actions speak for themselves, people know who is the bad guy here​, so enjoy your vendetta​.
Pro tip: have your voting power 100% in order to have any effect when you flag someone. Someone with your Steem Power has like 10 "strong" votes or flags. You are just wasting your time. I'm not mad at all.

NO, you ruined your account. Think about it.

How refreshing to see someone tell it how it really is!

I've been here for much less time than you have, but by doing a bit of digging into the past I can clearly see that everything you said here is pretty much what I have concluded as well.

There is still hope for this platform, but it will take a concerted effort from everyone to change the path it is currently following. A few people are doing their best to change things for the better, but too many are still blinded by the dollar signs floating in front of their eyes to be able to look past the present and into the future.

Thanks again for the great observations and posting your views.

Anyone who spends time here slowly comes to realize how things work. I do believe things will get better, just stick around and let's​ see what will happen.

I absolutely plan to stick around. Perhaps not quite as obsessed about it as I have been though. I really love the idea behind it and the potential I see in it, but as with everything, there will always be people who try to abuse anything they think can be used for quick personal gain.

It is human nature to enjoy power, so anyone in a position of power will be reluctant to make changes that might remove some of it from them. This makes real change sluggish until there is a revolution or war, and then it slowly creeps back to something very similar as a new system of power is developed.

Interesting times are ahead.

Interesting indeed.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Don't lie, I had a good reason for doing what I did, you know stolen content is not the way to go on Steemit. Have some respect for the platform and don't start spamming. That just another reason to get flagged​​.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

This needed to be said to balance out all the short sighted steemit fapping and "just keep at it and eventually you'll be a whale" rhetoric.

I do think steemit has the potential to be much more though. POTENTIAL is the a key word here because it will only be as special and different as the users allow it to be and size does matter here. I fap from time to time but I try to be realistic with my fapping. Eventually this place is going to be dominated by SEO and spam, run into legal problems or be overrun by Facebook 2.0 when they steal the idea unless the witnesses and whales get their shit together and see how their hurting themselves and everyone else by thinking short term.

I'm still optimistic though, not for the long term but for what we can accomplish here before steemit goes mainstream. As with any platform or anything with the potential for profit, the early days are the best and we are still in the early days. There are tons of talented and forward thinking people here right now and it's easy to reach them. By focusing on community building we can plant the seeds for many things that could potentially outlive steemit if things go sour here. And if it just ends up being a few new friends for most of us, that's not so bad either.

Interesting view points, they​ may turn out to be true. Thanks for sharing​ your thoughts with us.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I think we are users will have to start taking more active role on weeding out bots and spam commenters eventually or it'll get out of hand. The flag is there for to use. Currently people are afraid to use it.

And it's true that PR is bad on Steemit's side but they haven't even automated the sign up process yet. This is not the time to hit marketing with full speed. We aren't ready. The system needs to be ready for the masses, this means the backend and frontend needs to look nice, other services like DTube, Steepshot and Zappl are working and we have Steem Power in the hands of people that can make the most out of it. This all will probably take a year or two - then this whole thing is ready to start gaining some serious traction. Hopefully it won't be too late by then though.

I have no problems flagging, I believe it's mandatory right now if we want to get rid of nasty spam and bots. The thing is we are still in beta and this is just an excuse.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

How do we change it, Rossen? Isn't it by convincing witnesses that we need changes? How do we know which witnesses propose the changes we want?

Yes, witnesses are maybe one of the main reasons the platform is run like this right now. Just like in politics, they prefer you don't vote at all so they will get their guaranteed votes. I honestly think self-educating is the only way. People need to understand​ how this whole game works. I'm a little worried, though. If we take down the current witnesses and elect new ones it's possible they will run it in a similar way.
And yes, don't be afraid to flag!

More witnesses = less conspiracy

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Looks like you are spaming.

Haters gonna hate :)

I'm not a hater I was minding my own business and you screwed my account up

Players gonna play :)

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Thanks for the honest opinion of Steemit! I agree it all all money driven but so is many other content platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. I think the main benefit is the fact it's on the blockchain and is part of the Steem cryptocurrency.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

That was one out of the ordinary confession about Steemit year experience. I have to say, Roska, that humans in general manage pretty quick to distort everything around them and logically this is happening with Steemit. Despite of that i really do believe in quality content here and those great authors that have found platform to show themselves, because mainly that is the reason why i am here. I think that of you have those intentions - creating interesting and quality content, you definitely should not give up. And hopefully that platform is going not only to grow in users but builds up in functionality and utility as well.

I'm not giving up, I'm in for the long run. I'm just stating facts. Quality will always be king, we should strive only for the best. This doesn't change the fact that Steemits is very unfair right now.

Yes, i see this in my long term future as well. I am so curious right now to share some projects that i have for a long time ago with more people and actually get a real feedback on them. For me this is one of the most exciting parts of that social media which still is not that over-saturated with that shallow vibe..

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I noticed similar points as well. I spend probably 3 hours a day to blog and comment on other posts. My ratings climb slowly and my followers add up to about 2 a day. I thought that only the early adopters on Steemit get on the trending tab.

Well, ​there are many early adopters who never got there.

You sound like an early adopter. I enjoyed your thoughts

Thank you. Well it's​ still better than Facebook :)

If that isn't the truth

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I am pretty new here. I am enjoying making a few posts and digging around to see what I can find. I don't find it too easy to move around the site and find stuff - maybe because I am new - and am hoping that this will improve over time

With respect to it being 'game', it certainly seems that way from my limited observation so far. But that is part of what makes it fun and interesting. If it was easy I probably wouldn't bother trying...

Fortunately, I am in a position to be able to just invest in the platform and see how that goes while at the same time trying to build a small following.

Let's see...

The problem is not that it's a game, the problem is that the game is not fair to everyone.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

congratulations on 1 year

Thanks :)

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Whoa, that was interesting read. :)
Different than the sugarcoated opinions on the platform.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

"There are simply not enough readers VS authors. In fact​ other authors are your readers." - I have been thinking about this for quite some time now. Not having enough consumers hurts the platform a lot. I have nearly 400 followers, and in the best case scenario, I get about 10 upvotes and a handful of comments from people that follow me. Your whole post is spot on, Rossen!

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

awesome article

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov. Your review is spot on. The reward system is designed in such a manner that, once you see low dollar-value posts values popping up in your "home" tab(that otherwise receives a high number of upvotes), you're tempted to upvote it, hoping to get a chunk out of it. This only adds to the top steemers revenues, instead of genuinely good content. A few days back, I read an article by Jerry Banfield on steemit tips that said, thumbnails matters. I say, dollar value of posts matters even more. This further re-enforces the rich gets richer concept. Content is rarely appreciated.

I wonder what this place will look if there were no awards.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Don't lie, I had a good reason for doing what I did, you know stolen content is not the way to go on Steemit. Have some respect for the platform and don't start spamming. That just another reason to get flagged​​.

The only way I will stop spamming is if you remove the down votes and leave me alone. Otherwise you may as well create another account...

You have a strange sense of humor.
Spamming is even worse than plagiarizing, so you leave me no choice​.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I agree with you on everything but I am one who doesn't care about the money even though I am struggling in my life financially. I've never cared about money I'm just here to have s good time and meet new people which I have met some great ones but it's there is a monopoly and I know I will never be popular but as you said I have a few followers who are loyal and enjoy my posts, also I read every line of the posts that I comment on, great steem and very true words, enjoy your day 😊 Oh and congratulations on your one year!

Thank you, I enjoy getting rewarded, but I try to be realistic about it. Making a few bucks on the side is a fun experiment for me, if I don't enjoy it, money isn't really a motive for me. Nevertheless, ​it's good to analyze the situation we are in right now.

Exactly, I don't expect anything money wise from this site I just don't have enough people truly following me and it does irritate me that higher ups put trash and get decent money, oh well 😊

My point exactly.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

So many great points all around I agree with, about to be one year in as well. I hope new users don't think bots are the normal, even though they may be a new normal. If anyone is reading this post and not on Steemit it already, join now, stop waiting.

Edit: I forgot, congrats on one year! Always enjoy your blog posts, one of the non-comic book related accounts I started following and still do.

Hey, thanks, appreciate it!
Sorry, I'm not so active lately​.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I've been here a year too and have seen lots of changes. If course it could be better, but the concept is still good. Maybe they feel it's not ready for a big marketing push as they can't handle many more users. The spam is not as bad as I expected really. I have enough sp to flag the worst of it.

I'm excited to see what the future brings. The next few months could be critical


@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

This is a very sober review of our beloved platform. If I was gifted like you I would have said the same. I read every line of your post. Thanks for sharing. The community is the great plus here, true.

Thanks for reading.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I understand your frustration. So Is the nature of a capitalist economy I guess. Wealth is concentrated more and more over time.

For now Steem stays my crypto currency.

In my opinion Steem is still the best project for decentralized author rewards and micro payments. I hate targeted advertising with a passion.

Steem will likely become more distributed since it is the community that will hopefully end up forming it. I still have good faith.

The Freenet project has a web of trust system that allows you to reward authors with trust and share trust lists with your friends.

While this can't replace a currency, it's still an effective and alternate "economy".

Oh. And also, follow me! ;)

I'm not really furstrated, more like dissapointed. Yes, there are many advantages to Steemit, I just hope it does not end up like Myspace.

Have you tried Freenet or IPFS without Steem?

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

There are some very clever observations of how the Steemit game is played here @rossenpavlov! Congratulations on having the staying power! UV/RS. Steem on!

The truth will set us fee.

Let's hope the fee is low ;) Steem on!

but well said :)

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I agree with you. I read all lines of your post and yes, unfortunately it is true, here is like in life, money control everything!


@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I'm not an early adopter in terms of within first few months but I do have to agree that the majority of what you said I've also found to be true in the short time I've been here. The ultimate problem because the monetary aspect of posting is involved seems to be that there are too many contributors and not enough viewers or people here just to view the contributions. I'm not sure what the answer is to solve that? Perhaps a site like steemit and then a sister site side of it like YouTube or imgur to share in sections like Reddit or something for people to just come and view said posts or that you can just link friends and random people but figuring that out is definitely tricky. Either way as you said I plan on sticking around and seeing how it grows. At the end of the day I've found this community much less full of trolls than the majority of the web as there is potential financial gain or loss involved.

I think the reason why most readers are also authors is that the user base is still relatively small for a social media platform. ​Things don't look too pretty right now, imagine if we had 10 million​ users.

The problem is in part that outside users cant interact unlesd they have some amount of steem in their pocket, and the upvote dollars are more allocation of emission in the reward pool by whales & witness rather than open micro paiment.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by alexvan from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

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@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels

I am new on steem ..this is the best website i ever seen ..dont know how to use it but working on it and enjoing ..stay blessed

Enjoy it!

I will :D

That's nice, I'm enjoying it more.

@rossenpavlov down voted and pummeled my account into the ground for no good reason. Looks like he has spent the last year trashing peoples accounts. Can you all please help me and down vote this guy's content to let him know how it feels


I am from ECUADOR, I speak Spanish

Me gustaría que realizaras un post en español, para la comunidad latina sobre este tema...sería genia @rossenpavlov

Good post upvoted&followed :)