Would You Use Steemit If There Were No Money To Be Made?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I've been trying to wrap my head around why people use Steemit besides the fact that they can get some money out of the platform. No matter what you will say I know there is a part of you that lights up every time you receive a nice payout ​or an upvote from an important​ steemian. I see nothing wrong with getting rewarded for your hard work, and it's a great thing having Steemit for that. Of course, the money is just one part of the story. Everyone has​ their own reasons for participating in this wonderful experiment. Some like the community, others are here to share their work, ideas, ​and passions. Whatever it is I'm curious to know will you still be using Steemit if there were no money to be made, and more importantly why?


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No steemit without the monetary aspect is like a car pulled by a horse: it makes no sense!

Very accurate obs :)

Interesting point of view.

Truthfully: no.

I've written blogs for money before and it left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

If Steemit didn't offer rewards for posting then I very much doubt I'd put the time & effort that I have invested so far.

The upside:
I'm free to write about pretty much anything I want to without attempting to monetise through content marketing, it's a stimulating pursuit and I have grown from the experience I've had to date and (hopefully) 'experts' aren't encouraged to push people towards a product for sharing their knowledge.

Just my $0.02

I appreciate your honesty. Blogging is no easy task.

I have done other blogging but there hardly ever got feedback. Sure, the money is nice, but the feedback is what makes my day.

I see the platform as similar to reddit in many ways. I have never really used Reddit but obviously I am aware of its popularity. If Steemit can gain a bit more publicity, usage would shoot up, however sign ups are holding it back at present. I had to wait for 5 days for my confirmation e-mail etc and people dont want to wait that long. Most sites, sign ups are instant and whilst I accept that Steemit is different, most people wont understand or appreciate the differences.

The approval process is manual, so no surprise​ it takes​ so much time. It would be nice to be able to register and blog right away. I tried reddit, while I see the similarities, somehow I didn't​ get used to it.

I agree and I appreciate its manual but most people do not come across Steemit and intend to start using it next week. It can be very disappointing to register and then find you cant use it for several days. I am certainly used to receiving confirmation e-mails immediately, clicking on the link and then being able to start using whatever site it is. I have been around crypto for years and appreciate the differences etc but most people wont. I think this process needs to be streamlined for wider adoption.

I know this. But so is Bitcoin! I was just making the point that for wider adoption, sign up processes need to be slicker! Not a criticism, rather an observation!

i think there is something very charming in the option of sharing your thoughts and knowledge and the legitimate opportinity of getting paid for it even. thats why steemit is a platform like no other.

Sure you really shouldn't do this for money you should do things because you like it and then the money will come steemit is not just about the money its about protecting yourself from censorship also so its a win win with money are with out the money is just a nice by product

I got drawm to steemit because of the money. I have made a whooping $2 in 8days hahaha. But in my first 2 days while using steemit what made me to continually come back was the amazing people i was interacting with. I have meet people on here that i would never had the chancr to meet on facebook.
Everyday i am having conversations about what i like to talk about.
Keep steeming beautiful people

"Come for the money, stay for the community."

I like that quote. Its so true.

It actually is the official Steemit slogan.

I was till the hardfork.

I love reddit so I'd probably stick to that to be honest.

Honesty is very appreciated.

Steemit has got the same basic platform as reddit but with out the censorship!

And it's on a blockchain.

I most certainly would! :) Because, I've found Movies, Video Games and many more things here that I would PAY for, instead! <3

Talk about Learning & Earning at the same time!

Interesting though. I do share films I find interesting and good music videos I stumble upon, so yes you can find all these things on Steemit. But don't confuse it with a platform for sharing illegal content. I've seen steemians trying to post torrents and hacked games, this doesn't​ run here.

Hmmm, i haven't come across anything like that, yet. Maybe that's because i follow only the genuine people around, like yourself! ;)

BTW, it's an interesting question. Let's see what others have to say about it...

I guess Steemit is what you make of it.


Well its like Chicken and Egg story.

The Steem exists because there are People (the more the acceptability of steem as currency the more value it derives), and People Exists because there is Steem (money - the crypto money)

Both need each other to survive. In case there is no money involved, Steem would be any other platform like Wordpress but not twitter or facebook

I see your point, of course, ​people don't need Steemit as much as Steemit needs them. Anyway, the egg was first, there were eggs way before the chicken​, like dinosaur eggs :)

If you would have asked me one week ago I might have said yes....... bloody naive me - sure some will reply with not honest things like they love the positive community and that they can learn about crypto etc - would make me

Sorry if sounding negative lol, no intention, like your post - Bulgaria rocks!

Money changes the whole perspective.
No offense taken.

so true, brings up the ugly face of human beings - but that is normal.

I believe I would right now but if there was no money to be made from the very beginning, I wouldn't have ever heard of Steemit by now. Steemit feels way more nice than Reddit, probably because some people fear to get downvoted more on this site than on Reddit. However, if the money aspect was to disappear tomorrow, I wouldn't take as much time working on my posts and thumbnails since it would "only" be sharing my passion, not sharing it with hope of getting rewarded.

Fair enough.

It seems that the platform motivates me to keep posts original and to create such content. Even if the steem looses its price, I will not regret spending time improving creating :) I am also here to see ordinary people's work, mostly drawings.

The reason Steemit will be big (by time) is that its blockchain based and therefore can't be censured..... As all the others clearly are more and more.
So. YES.. I would use it.

propaply not, since I am not sure if I would have looked into it. Without any money involved I would surely not use it to this extend. Like you said it is still very motivating to recieve one big upvote or having the hope to recieve one ;-)

It is still a great community and because everbody wants to get upvotes everybody behaves nice and civil.

You are right. People are nice here, and if it weren't for the money factor it could go savage :)