Happy Valentines Day! Do you love Steemit? Win 5 SBD

in #steemit7 years ago


I <3 Steemit

Even though it isn't officially valentines day here in the Netherlands, I received a message from someone abroad I hold dear. Which made me come to realize that I have made a bunch of Valentine related images not so long ago. So, why not spread them out for free and send a message into Cryptospace at the same time?

Show Steemit some love

What do you love so much about Steemit? Let the platform know. And if you can't think of something I bet you have someone who you hold dear. I challenge you to write an open letter to him/her/it, maybe that person sees it, how exciting! Ohhhh.. starting to get butterflies? Or you hold some grudges towards your ex? Well, let me help you with some eye-candy to get some attention buddy/damn-yo-ass-is-fine girl. You can use the following images down below in your post for free (instructions down below). Use "Steemitislove" as a tag in your post, because I'm giving 5 SBD away to one random writer.

When this post..

... magically happens to get a higher pay-out, for every 10 SBD I'll pick another random writer who wins 5 SBD. Since I'm new to Steemit, I need -all- of your support. I do curate on the posts that are written, based on genuineness. You can troll, hate or love genuinely for this matter, make a love-song, draw artwork, spit on the mirror while looking at yourself, everything is okay, as long as it is genuine.

Pay out is after 7 days starting from today.

How to win 5SBD? Tag : steemitislove and write your love for Steemit story. That's it! Happy loving, hating, or trolling!

How to use my images

When you want to use my images, just make sure you give credit, and it's simple. just like this: © 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

© 2018 - @Rubencress - Licensed for Steemit use only.

Happy sharing!



We are coming by to say welcome @rubencress!

Good luck with your contest!

Herrooo! waves

Valentine a period of love... Before I post lemme give a Lil preface of my letter to someone I hold dear.
Just as Warm as the evenings are, that's how I feel when I'm with you. I say love you not because it's sounds right or because I want to say it; but I say it because you mean a whole lot to me.... To be continued. Thanks @rubencress for choosing to show love to steemians.

And your images are just so beautiful

Nice, Show Steemit some love :-)

Love is not worth it anymore, why should i love that fuckin guy if he always keep hurting me.

Hmm... not sure if you're being sarcastic or just broke up. Treasure and value your time.

thanks @rubencress. god bless

Thank you @rubencress for sharing your love in steemit as we love it too.First time valentine with steemians community is something good for us tk spread love and foget hatred.Everyday is a day of love,show it feel it and givr thanks to tje Lord for His lovr endures forever

It's not wrong to hate, it shows that we have loved as well :-) Bless you

What a neat idea to spread some love around the community for Valentines. Awesome post/project--thanks for putting it together! See you around. :) @lilyraabe

Thanks for the images and we will try to get people as this is a great contest.

Nice! thanks for helping out @Maverickinvictus

how to join?

Hi, you just start writing m'lady and tag. Have fun :)

This is a wonderful idea. Ill give it a try. Happy Valentines to you @rubencress. ❤❤❤

So cool to have a concept like this! Happy valentines day to you. Sending you 💕💕💕... btw you have very beautiful photos!!!👌👌👌

Thank you!

Fun post. Take care.