Well... that's what the after effects could be whenever you welcome a stranger. I hope that a lot of people here on Steemit will remember and realize to whom they 'own' their ' successes' to, small or big.
I know I could use the Steem to power-up myself, I also know that there are a lot of people that could use that 1 Steem even more than you or me. The main reason that I'm giving this to you, and all the other people mentioned above, is mostly because the steps that I took, helped me out a lot. This 'experience' is what I can offer to newcomers, heck, I'm a newcomer myself. The Steem that I have sent, is just a simple symbolic gesture to show that you can achieve much more with 'giving' than only thinking/focussing on receiving. And with giving, I mean; welcoming a stranger, asking for help, acknowledging your mistakes, and so on.
We all 'need money' to survive in this dualistic world we live in. You are either poor or rich. I think that the first focus most people have here on Steemit, is being filtered because of the seduction of 'money'. If you limit yourself because you think/feel/believe you do not earn enough on Steemit, then there is less room for the positive aspects of your self-esteem (improvement/motivation/inspiration/dedication) and more room for negativity (failure/regret/disappointment, and that is unhealthy for the mind).
Keep doing what you're doing, you have been a great help to me.