
Thanks for the video, a lot of things you said are true, but I don't agree about that we don't have readers here, I have more than 1100 followers and I have a lot of readers. I withdraw more than $200 from steemit, the only problem is that steem dollar is not growing and bitcoin is always growing, so I advice you to withdraw your earned money here and turn it into bitcoin so you will be happier and you will change your opinion about steemit talking about what is better youtube or steemit. Don't lose your enthusiasm☺Keep steeming ☺

Hey @clixmoney I'm not saying there's no viewers but I notice when I post say a 30 minute video I may get an upvote 5 seconds later. While I appreciate the upvote that person hasn't taken a look at my content they are just running around upvoting hoping that I upvote back. Or another example could be people who have more likes than they have views.

I come here to consume content but at the end of the day Youtube is more likely a place I'll go to consume content because it's easy to search for it, I have a huge number of creators who I know and follow, things are organized neatly, etc. I find awesome creators on here but I find I really have to seek them out

you didn't find the right people that's it, just keep posting and you will see, people that want you to upvote them back they are spammers that I don't like, asking to follow and upvote them like kids, I converted my group especially for people to resteem each other and I noticed a lot of spammers, I am blocking them usuallly, but there are a lot of people that are normal and they upvote just because they like your post and they don't want any thing back, here is the group that I was talking about with the link inside : Rules of Steemit Group 'Resteem to be Resteemed'. You are welcome to post in it if you want, I think resteems are better than upvotes !

I share your opinion for most of the part. I'm seeing a lot of begging for followers and upvotes. They don't care about content and community but only for the money. Some responses are more pathetic then the well known "sucky sucky 5 dollah" level of things. Next is voting. All is based on money money money. 1 voter in the first minutes and most won't even read your post. Hence I've done it myself the first days. Yeah, another 5 cents..

I've build up more interest in content and community and this could be something special. I load up every month for several 10s of dollars and immediately put it into steempower. I've discovered minnowbooster and loaned out all of my steempower. That eliminates my thoughts of value for upvoting and now I only upvote the same as I would like on facebook. More fun, more honest en because of focussing on acting instead of the money I do earn a bit more and have a lot of more fun.

Thanks @korpo, I'm new here and trying to figure out the most effective use of time on the site. So you're saying that you loan your steam power to minnowbooster, who essentially does the work of curating for you (and doing it well)?

Yea, my enthusiasm has dropped immensely. There is so much crap content, or celebration of throw-away content.

Well written content gets lost and is difficult to discover.

I think your quote that we are all just yelling past each other is a good description.

Your 'rant' was one of your best points. I agree with pretty much all of your sentiment. I think Steemit is still kindof insular. The organization is abysmal and the myopic focus on crypto and steemit itself is sad in the least, limiting at worst. You lamented about not finding content on starting businesses etc.. I did a bad job of categorizing my posts on the subject so I added them here:

Not everyone's cup of tea, but the principle is universal and applicable to anything. I even put up an ad to experiment:

just some ideas, this is my personal account but I am also
@ecoknowme ;)

Dude I have to agree. When I first got here recently I was like "oh...all the content is about crypto. Well that's kind of masturbatory." My opinion has gone up enough that I'm making a go at earning a following, but I'm torn.

If you have even the slightest thing to say,or direction you want to go.. this is the place for you. If you have some crypto being earned or already invested here.. you will attract minnows all the more. Dream Big, Steem On!

Thanks, I think that I do so I'll take that to heart

Haha. I just signed up recently and I'm already losing interest. Keep up the good work my friend.

I totally agree with a lot of what you said. If you are a YouTuber or blogger you have nothing to lose by posting your content on Steemit. However, if this is your sole outlet for your content it's going to be an uphill battle for a while.

I'm on the fence. Like you I have worked hard to put out some decent content and I don't feel like I'm gaining much if any traction. It's more about who you know and have relationships with rather than the content. I think you totally nailed it with the whole more content creators than consumers.

Hopefully, this will change in time with improvements to Steemit and as more people find out about it. Only time will tell.

I'm going to keep pushing on for a while just because I see Steemit improving and having a bright future and I don't want to kick myself for not being in on the ground floor when it takes off.

Hey @bodyinbeta thanks for the comment buddy. I'd love to see the search function improved, that would IMHO make it much easier to seek out and find the types of content that I'd like to consumer and would probably spend more time on the site if that happenned. Also a way to categorize the content better.

I guess in some part because Steemit doesn't advertise it's our job to bring over more people and bring over people who create content we like. I've been hitting up some Youtubers who I sub to asking them to repost their content on here.

One thing I was wondering about is Steemit is obviously about making connections with others and interacting with others more so than creating content. I guess I question whether I'm being "whiny" for lack of a better word saying I want it to be a way that caters to my strengths or interests which is creating content more so than joining all these giveaways and photos contests or is that a good thing that it is about connections?

While I do think connections are good I think to some extend much of the interaction is kind of forced to game the system. There's people on here like you and @brianphobos and @stackin and @mitchyboy and @vogeltron who I have made genuine connections with and other times I feel almost fake trying to interact with some people.

I've been trying to be more engaged in some of the contests and things going on but at the end of the day it's really not my thing.

Overall though I do love this platform and was pleasantly surprised how well this post did today, always like when something your not really expecting mcuh out of does really well.

Yeah, it's ironic that a post on whether or not Steemit is worth it is you best money post in a while. It probably just means there is more of a market for that type of content too rather than the entrepreneurial type of posts.

Some changes definitely have to be made to this platform for more people to come on board. I keep thinking I want to grind it out but your post has me thinking other routes too. There is nothing saying I can't put more time into my Merch biz and expand that to other POD platforms. Then use that income to invest back into Steem if I believe that Steem will go to $10 someday.

haha yeah really my only two big earners for the most part was a $74 post asking about how long you can be paid for a post and this post sorta waxing on about Steemit.

I kinda get when people say Steemit is somewhat insulate. I get it, Steemit is a great platform, it's unique and it's a bit complicated so there's a lot of questions to ask and stuff like that. I'll also say that there are Youtubers who's topic is Youtube so I'm not saying discussion about the platform itself, any platform isn't a good discussion, but seems like it's a very heavy focus on here.

I've questioned whether I should, I hate to say game the system, but play to what works on here but at the end of the day I'm on here to enjoy myself so wanna kinda stay true to myself and my interests, though I'm sure if I posted about Steemit all day I'd do much better financially.

Hang in there Rebel, this here is a long game. Once all the whales power-down and leave, the Steemit platform will be a playground for amazing creators... you'll see. 🐳

Steem wont be worth anything if they do that.


That would make more steem available and flood the markets devaluing it.

very nice video and cool post
i like steemit and you @rulesforrebels

this is amazing

thank you !!

Agree with everything you said here. Except the following sentence: "You're not going to find a lot of spam or other garbage on Steemit and I love that about it." In my experience there is sooo much garbage on steemit, i have not seen the same level of absolute horseshit anywhere else. And its receiving votes, most from bots or 'content creators' themselves. I wish quality would be rewarded more on steemit, at least more than now. Garbage should jsut cost people money maybe, now wouldn't that be nice?

@attalis I gotta say your right, I think I was trying to keep it positive but that said I will say that pure spam for the most part gets flagged and disapears and is greyed out so I think that's a good thing. I guess I meant to say generally speaking I find the people who are serious about this platform you can tell put a lot of effort and thought into their content and people seem to be very genuine on here.

Such as shame. They should get rid of the bots really and focus on a system that promotes quality contents.

You are absolutely right on the more supply than demand part. In fact, I was just reading a similar article minutes ago. I think we should also focus on curation and take some time reading others' posts and upvoting and resteeming the ones we feel are worthy. Maybe it can maintain the quality of posts if the existing bloggers also become smart curators.

I totally agree! I already had been building my YouTube following, and Steemit has really helped me gain followers. I love creating content in general, so this has been a lot of fun!

Hope you get to 10,000 views! :) Keep it up! I know it's easy to get frustrated, but this video is awesome and your content is solid!

I think as the community grows, we will continue to find more diverse content that we like. I personally love to write about motivation, acroyoga and crafting. LOL random, but I'm building that section! :)

Hey karen, just subbed to your channel. I see you play the uke and sail, me too :). My main Youtube channel has 63,000 subs, I have this obsession with hitting the 100k mark and getting my silver play button so hopefully that happens soon but yeah also launched a new channel and my goal is to not use my existing audience to cross promote or grow it so that's been challenging. I'm also optimistic at where this platform is going

OMG THAT'S AMAZING! I'm at 150 followers... something like that, and I've been building it since this last November!

hehe I've only played the uke and sailed a couple times. My favorite hobbies are acroyoga, climbing and crafting!

Excited we connected, and can't wait to see more fun things in the future. I know we just met, but would you mind doing me a favor? I'm trying to win this logo competition, and I'm literally 5 votes away. If you could upvote my logo in the comment section I might win! Thanks! Would mean the world to me!

good post, definitely a search function / sometimes I think steemit might be a tad stuck / there are still elements of it that are quite nerdy and a lot of things are built around the whale hierarchy that seems foreign to a lot of newbie / the strengths are for artists to present their work, photographers and travelers, and people that can cook and craft / other areas still need work / also are any reddit people coming over? it seems that would be a huge potential base, peace

Hey @clumsysilverdad the search function definately needs improvement however one tool that has made it much better imho is chainbb which I believe was put together by @jesta . It organizes content in a better way and I think search is a bit better. I also really like how the content with the most recent content rises to the top and the layyout is more that of a traditional forum. If you haven't tried it definately check it out very cool

thanks, i'll take your word for it, but i'm not sure if most recent content is rising to the top... it would be nice if it said on the first screen when the content was posted, but, overall it's ok i suppose. ty

I think the big problem with Steemit right now is the UI. I wrote a short post about how Steemit is competing with Medium and not Reddit and I really think they need a UI overhaul to represent that.

Steemit should be trying to recruit the best writers, and other content creators, but right now there is not much benefit for people who already have an audience (and that audience is not in the crypto, libertarian space).

Steemit also seems really easy to game right now. I have been tempted to fund 2 accounts with a few thousand dollars each to have decent curation payouts. Hire a couple of cheap writers to produce some content and then just have the 2 accounts upvote each other. With some basic social media outreach; follow, upvote, comment, etc. those accounts would probably start getting followers and organic upvotes. Set the payouts of articles to 50/50 so that I can pull out finds while also growing my Steem power.

But I have no interest in actually doing that, I hope steemit has a long life but I have my doubts. I think Steemit should decentralize itself and copy Wildfire but have a better UI (because again the UI is pretty crappy right now).

Hey @tanstaaflcafe sorry I hadn't responded to your email yet I had it mostly written out and just hadn't sent i t yet but my reply to you was kind of the outline and thought behind this video so thanks for stirring up some thoughts for me. That's actually a genius idea. I know we had kind of briefly chatted about Steemit projects, I actually have a few ideas as well, I'll have to hit you up maybe we can team up on something.

I thought I might have been the inspiration ;-)

I had a plan to do a "Steem Powered" podcast that would focus on decentralization and disintermediation, called unsurprisingly TANSTAAFL cafe, but at this point I don't see myself doing it. I don't think I can get enough of an average payout per episode to justify it. I may still do it someday just because I am interested but my fire went out on the project so I am focusing elsewhere.

I am still going to be semi-active on Steemit as I really want to see it become a legit Medium competitor but I don't see myself investing much time here. At least until inspiration strikes again ;-)

I am going to try and combine Wildfire and Steemit for a 1 - 2 punch of video content curaiton, shouldn't take much time and we will see how those go.

Hit me up as I am always down to explore new ideas.

interesting thoughts tansta, ty

Kind of giving up im not going to lie. Ive been looking at it more as a waste of time lately... I can create art and post it on facebook and sell it as opposed to getting $5 here and there and a couple spam comments from strangers trying to get a couple cents for saying no real valuable insite.

$5 is actually pretty decent for something supplemental but I think @bodyinbeta pointed out the other day if your creating just for this platform it can feel like your putting in a lot and not getting a lot back.

I'm always surprised what types of content does well here. Stuff I pour myself into and work really hard on makes 0.36 cents and then I just reupload a Youtube video kind of rambling about steemit and get $36. My best earning post ever was asking a question about if your only paid for 7 days following your post. It really blows my mind. I do create a lot of unique content for hear although as a Youtube a lot of my stuff is reuploaded youtube vids so the content has already been created so may as well repost here and see what people think, interact with another audience. I will say I have discovered a lot of new Youtubers I like through this platform that I had never discovered through Youtube in the past despite being very active on there.

I must say people dont pay attention to peoples post today. When I first join it was bit different. Even if you post something wrong people will read your mistake and correct you by replying but now nothing. No viewers,no reply and even upvote. I am not going to stop using steemit but this time is like only the strongest will survive,

I still do get thoughtful comments from regulars but your right there's no discussion or analysis of peoples content its like "good post"

Brilliant video! upvote & resteem! ;D

Joined a few days ago and find it quite cool, as a Youtube Creator too.
This is beta and so, I am enthusiastic and do hope this will grow, more as a better platform, not necessarily for monetization as this might come by itself as the platform improves and more ppl join.
Cool discussion! Keep it up!

I like this post :) And I like steemit... I think steem soon go up 3.10$ We have to be patient.

I hope so, I've been buying on the dips.

Then you have to hold, and be very patient.
Sometimes even I have a problem that I'm not patient. and we must be aware that this page is only a year and a few months old. And it takes time if it go up... but soon it go.

Steem is an interesting crypto to trade. While it doesn't have the volatile ups and downs of some other cryptos there is enough movement to stick and move and make little hits here and there. Also what I like is worst case scenario if steem does stay down for a while you can always just use it to power up and help your earnings on Steemit.

Yes :)
And one thing more.... Steemit It does not advertise itself.
If it does this, then the price would be different.

Yeah advertising is important. In the cryptocurrency space you can see the coins that don't advertise aren't as bit of names even if they are superior projects. I think that's why we need to be ambassadors for this platform.

we should use it as normal social media account and ignore spammers.

Correct, there are too many posters writing irrelevant posts (Including me). There should be a huge filter of some kind.

But I do think anyone can get succesful on Steemit if you persist, your posts are high quality, you invest enough (sadly) and are consistent.

I think everyone should be able to post as much content as they like, however I do think there could be a better way to organize the content and to make it searchable in a better way.

I've only been around a few days, but certainly agree that posts can easily get 'lost'. I assumed that this is a beta release and that here will be many upgrades in the years to come. I certainly hope that's the case!

It's a bit funny to see how the big steemians have more upvotes than views on some of their posts.
My own posts just drowns in the amount of posts and get a couple of views the first hour. But I'm new here and still learning.

I totally agree with everything you say here. Except the following sentence: "You will not find much spam or other garbage in Steemit and I love it."

@jeremithomas I agree with you, I think I was trying to be nice and not trash the platform, I guess what I should have said is the people who are here for the right reasons and who take it seriously do seem to put in a lot of work and though into their posts and share their true selves and are very genuine. There definately are however people reposting porn adn other peoples articles and garbage as well though.

I used to think Steemit did a very good job of policing this as I've had a few of my own posts flagged by Steem cleaners for posting my own content. They were calling me out for photos that are my own photos from blogs I wrote years ago so its kind of funny how legit stuff seems to get caught and people can get away with posting trash. Its not a perfect system but I like it here.

Well yes, the search is just a modified google search box as far as I can see, so that definitely needs a revamp.

In the last few months I've enjoyed learning how to use the platform and meeting new people. I've also made around $200 so far, so what's not to like really lol? 😁

Good evening, good post, I follow you, you have good material, I like it !!!! I hope you keep uploading this incredible material until later that you have a good night, if you could help me with an upvote I would appreciate it