I do, and I do, but the only reason you bring it up is to try to defend this parasitic behaviour you partake in. Your main source of income.
So, by your logic, if you make money here, you're immediately a target of hate
The problem is not in the money. It's in how its made. If it was organic, I would care not. But colluding with other high SP accounts to practically 10x yourself is making you tards a watered down version of @haejin
Don't get me wrong. I'm not jelly or anything. I couldn't care less about how much you fuckers are making from jerking each others cocks. I'm not gay, sorry.
I myself could complain about a handful of "whales" above me making a shit tonne more but I don't.
You couldn't, because they are the ones upvoting your shiet. The only reason they make more is because they have more SP.
There are very few whales on Steem currently that get their rewards organically.
If you can't agree with me on that using 90% to 100% VP for self-voting through the help circle jerking friends is bad, then we have nothing more to talk about. You can't be reasoned with. The only thing you care is the rewards and how to get more of them. Irregardless to ways of obtaining them and consequences it causes. If you think thats alright, then ok.
But this parasitic behaviour is something to be ashamed of yet, you seem to enjoy taking part in it. Why did you feel important enough to come here to try and defend it? Are you a spokesman for circle jerks on Steem?
A person of your attitude towards this issue has no grounds of making any statements about it. Let alone to defend such a frowned upon behaviour.
Better just go, cuddle up besides your buddies, and rub their belly.