Oh goodness it would appear I am indeed a coin! [chokes on silent laughter because it's too late at night for the rolling on floor variety] Everything would have made sense if I checked posts first but replies first is how I roll XD And sidechains! I have sidechains! [hyperventilating] XD

Love how everything is wrapped up as investment advice, and it would appear we have similar strategies :O Maybe I could be a half-decent investor after all XD (as long as it's people and art, don't even ask me about the other stuff XD)
Love the SUPPORT acronym/menmonic, nice work there!
I have heaps of time and space for JED coin, it's one of my favourites!

Sorry I got back to you so late, matey chops. I'm glad you like it! The FYN coin is definitely one of my faves as well! You know what they say about great minds, right?
I'm actually out of the country in my quest to experience snow for the first time :) so I might not be on that much for a week or so.
No worries at all! Ooh where you going? Or will you tell us when you get there? Enjoy your snow experience :D
I went to South Korea! Where the kimchi flows freely and speaking English sounds silly. Like my SG trip, I plan to do a series of posts on it, but with a way different twist. It'll be easily digestible, and not posted daily haha!