Kind Of species fauna in the world and its diversity. And many kind of us do not think some of these animals are real in the world because of the weirdness that we do not expect. And also the population that is endemic in an area and rarely exposed. Here are some strange animal sightings
1.Beatifull Zebra
Maybe you think it looks like as horse with a Zebra-like pattern. In fact, the typical Democratic Republic of Congo is a mammal animal that has a closer relationship with the Giraffe than with Horses or Zebras. These animals can be found in the Ituri Rain Forest in Central Africa.
2.Ant OF Caught
actually this is a kind of wasp with a very painful sting
3.The Fish For Amazon
This fish is a type of freshwater fish found in the flow of the river Amazon and Orocono in South America. The strange thing about this fish is that its teeth are similar to human teeth.
4.snails overpass
By the latin name Glaucus Atlanticus is similar to a fantasy animal, or pokemon type. Also known as the blue sea dragon but he is a sea slug. Although his body is small, but he has a dangerous sting.