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RE: „Want to become a steemillionaire?“ Why this post is very inappropriate.

in #steemit9 years ago

Thank you for the quick response. Ok, I see, so you're more worried about the posts getting high rewards than being repetitive. Pretty simple, if my post would have been at 100$ you wouldn't even care, even if it is repetitive. If there are for example 5 posts with a similar topic it's obviously something people want to see and read, otherwise there won't be any votes. Let the market decide, demand and supply. Why is that so hard to accept. I created that post only because I felt it was needed, it was my choice. Please respect it. I didn't even know there was a similar post out there and surprise surprise: Many appreciated it - wit their votes and comments. Do you really think everyone should check if there's something similar out there before you post something? Seriously? Probably a good solution though, otherwise everyone is running danger to get flagged by you 'cause you're annoyed. Come on man. Why should this be harmful? Didn't we have enough posts about recipes for brownies with steemit logos on them? Still they get high rewards... any plans for that? I hope not, leave it to the people. There will be tons of double postings, countless similarities, this is a natural thing, you can't do anything against it. There's no reason to do anything against it. That's what we call evolution. Leave it to the people, the voters, otherwise it's similar to a dictatorship. It's just you, you said it's repetitive, you said it's harmful (don't even know why), so it's only up to 1 single person, to you in this case, to cut down the rewards for more than 280 voters. This is an insult against all the steemians who took time to post a comment, vote for it and follow it. They spent their time to read the post and think about a reply, not all of them but many. You make it worthless within a second. Jesus. That's what I call abuse of power. Prove me wrong. Your stage.


Let the market decide, demand and supply

That's all we are doing.

Do you really think everyone should check if there's something similar out there before you post something? Seriously?

Don't play dumb. You and everyone is well aware that these same topics on Steemit rewards, who gets them, how to get them, etc. have been played and replayed for weeks and months. It is not something you need to go and check.

cut down the rewards for more than 280 voters

The problem with this argument is that most of reward didn't come from most of those 280 voters, it came from a relatively few with large influence. Live by the sword, die by the sword. It cuts both ways.

The reward algorithm is designed to produce the largest rewards when the subjective value of a post has consensus, meaning a large number of stake-weighted votes all agree it should be rewarded. I disagree, so there is no a high degree of consensus here, and the rewards are accordingly reduced.

Please post quality content on topics that add new value to Steemit instead of recycling the existing value of Steemit with more discussion of Steemit. I will happily upvote that and perhaps others will as well, bringing you high rewards.