BeThe Light that Illuminates the Darkness

in #steemit7 years ago


My journey last year from Costa Rica to South Africa and then back here to my beautiful home in Colorado have provided a life-time of learning and shifts beyond my wildest dreams. I feel as if I was literally carried on the wings of what can only be called fierce grace. I was moved from moment to moment with tremendous grace and ease even though all of the moments were definitely not so pleasant.

The greatest gift of last year was truly feeling as if I had walked off the old playing field of duality, into a much more deeply balanced version of my true self. Oddly, even with all the exterior chaos in the world I find myself in a place of balance unlike anything I have yet experienced.

Having the capacity to hold both the dark and the light simultaneously is Peaceful. Who knew?


It has been a year of extreme dualities which really helped me to face all that still remained within myself and let go of that which was no longer serving in my highest good. It was a year of constant surrender and acceptance.

I literally could write a book on my last year alone. I will just share the highlights here which included profound journeys between Privilege and Poverty, Harsh and Gentle, Hiding and Showing up, Poison and the Antidote, Giving and Receiving and Tribal Loyalty and Tribal Betrayal.

The three biggest gifts that I received this year:

  1. Learning with my own two eyes and my heart and soul what Mr. Mandela meant when he said that ‘Poverty is Man-made.’

  2. Magically and mystically losing my extreme terror of humans in a literal flash. In an instant, there was no more need for defense, bravado, arrogance, blah, blah, blah… Just gone… Without that Fear my life became a dramatically new playing field.

  3. The realization that it was my resistance to my own Divinity that was creating my body issues. For years, I had blamed my body issues on outside energies and it wasn’t until this year that I got example after example that it was my own fear of the energy that moves through me that was creating resistance within my body and causing my body to seize. Letting the energy flow is much more pleasant now! ;-)

The hardest gift that I received is a complete and total SURRENDER of everything that I have known myself to be for the past 10 years. Nothing, absolutely nothing about the way I have moved in the world works anymore. It has been and continues to be a profound journey of letting go, letting go, letting go and opening to receive the new direction. Some days that one is still a struggle, yet I think that my recent journey to Standing Rock snapped something like a rubber band within me and has shown me the immense Power of working on the inner planes.

What I have found is that the more you are aware of this world of ours, the more you know what’s ahead, the better decisions you can make. It’s kind of like you are walking with a flashlight in your hand. The Brighter the Light in your Life.

Let us be the Light that illuminates the Darkness!


tremendous grace

I call it 'Greased Grace!' It is my life!

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