First of all not ewryone are native eng speekers here and not ewryone in world have equal rights in education like europeans or americans most in asia schools are paid so it mean you need pay money to lern and imagine how parents can let kids in school if montly salary sometimes not reaching 100 dollars so you speek about grammer and corect writing man you using a lof bad words like fuking shet and other so and you speek about good quality content big no.... Next in some ways you are right yes here is like bloging system and better share your knowlige with ewryone without spaming :) here you right i just writed shorter and my way :D Next post too long i lost reading after few titles in post... Its too long better write shorter and small explanations than criticising bad writers... But its uniq and thats good so here you have plus too :D sorry im not eng speeker and not native language are so other person reading he or she will understand me and be polite on my comment :)
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If you need help with your English writing and grammar, I suggest you install the Grammarly plugin to your browser. It would help a lot with basic grammar and spelling.
Keep writing yo!!
you are a young soul here :D Welcome :P If you need help connecting to people get chatting with Discord and, both are available on the browser since they are JavaScript software for the most part, Discord is also a Desktop app,
gratz on your first post, I took 3 months before doing mine :)
I already knew english before going to school, I knew it before my classmates learned it, wanna know how, I played games, they were interesting, I wanted to know what was going on, I learned by doing, that's the way, so keep writing. I'm not so sure what you are trying to say
To be fair I do write long and clunky comments as well,
Spread out the topics a bit and focus on one at a time,
ok once
First of all not everyone is a native speaker and not everyone in the world has equal rights in education like Europeans and Americans, most schools in Asia are paid so that means you need money to learn.
(v is v w is different, work and venom, just learn grammar, it's bs it's what it is you need experience to know what is right and what is wrong, doesn't look right and it doesn't sound right, it would sound ewwryone when you put a w where a v should be)
Grammar is one point, positions, capital letters.... commas damn I don't know how to say it, I just know it. Learn from your mistakes!
don't say it's ok because I'm from wherever, I bet I will have a haaaaaaard time learning Asian languages because the structure is different, but that doesn't mean anything, I know i can do whatever I set my mind to, so can you, when you own up to your mistakes, you can choose not to make them. (I made a mistake I just corrected, choose to not make them is not the correct way to order the words.) Explaining it would take another 2-3 paragraphs, in short you can't do something not,
Imagine how parents can send(the schools aren't theirs they can't "let" them to school)
no point in correcting everything, my point is you can learn, you have the internet now, you can talk you can read books, there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many sites and people around it's a shame to say you can't do something, anyone can pretty much learn anything, what stops them is their own belief.
I'm sorry but I'm not a native English speaker, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, even if the language isn't your mother tongue. I can shower you with YouTubes, Ted Talks, more knowledge you can stomach for decades, but that's up to you mate, you choose what you do :)
Best of luck :)
3 seconds on a search engine:
1 minute to write this "comment" a whole lifetime to do it :) cheers :P