hahaha you are so tall, the girls did well to stand in front of you for the photo.
your heart needs a great girl!
Congratulations for the prize, nobody as worthy of this recognition as you!
big hugs. Tqm
I hope @@@immarojas is a single girl, and if she is married, i see around you a lot of pretty girls.
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Hahaha your sweetness can't hide. All your hugs, i have received. Your human blossoms, that's why you grasp special things. "My heart does need a great girl" but in my life i have so carried load for others, that i have relegated all the other things, food, sleep, leisure or girls. Now with my mum's passing away, i think girls got relegated in my agenda even more. Ability to love though, i have that in me like crazy. That one woman, may not be able to handle this much love (her heart will (skiskiskip many bebebeats) unless she is indeed great.
Yes, I can perceive your deep capacity to love.
if i was single and about xxx years younger
I would marry you with a closed eye hahahaha
So I'm going to beg for a great girl for you
that she loves you like crazy and you love her too.
Love makes life great!
She will arrive at the right time.
PD: You have not slept at all!
go to sleep a little please.
Mountains of love for you.
Okay switie. It's not xxx years younger. x years, i would agree. i am pretty old; inside me is all elderly
Yes, ii read that since your childhood you had to assume life as an adult. Now it is very difficult for you to disassociate yourself from that rhythm of life, Steemit and the welfare of others is a priority for you.
Being transcendental does not make you old, it makes you special!
you just need to give a bit of time of your work, for your personal life
and enjoy the beautiful things in life. You deserve it.
I'm telling you from my heart: I'm happy when i see you smile.
Thank you for not tiring out of visiting. For my mum, she is here, so it gets better! Look at @ourmamaterry
I like being here. Thanks to you for being as you are.
I'm always aware of your publications, sometimes I'm late for the difference in schedules, but I'm always here. Forgive me i have not seen this publication in the new account of your mom, i added it right now and I'm also accompanying you there.