Video Games: pluses and minuses

in #steemit9 years ago

 Do you play computer games are good or bad? The answer depends on which side you look ... Many parents of computer games called waste of time, or even think that they can adversely affect the brain. Violent video games, it is social behavior, brutality, attacks on the extremes. However, many scientists and psychologists are convinced that computer games has countless advantages (such as playing them kids can become smarter). Computer games avalanche of small thinking that they will be useful in the future.  

 Playing a change in the physical structure of the brain, as well as learning to read, play a musical instrument, or to focus on maps. Just as physical exercise can build muscle, so computer games encourages such chemical reactions in the brain, which helps to develop the brain.

 Computer games are: 


  • Teaches use instructions.
  • Develops logical thinking and helps to make problems.
  • Improves hand and eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills.
  • It helps to learn to plan, teach and manage resources and logistics.
  • It helps to learn how to perform a series of steps to achieve different goals and notice the different variables.
  • Accelerates thinking, teach quickly make decisions and analyze the situation.
  • It promotes accuracy.
  • It promotes the development of strategies and anticipate events.
  • Improves reading and mathematical skills.
  • Stimulates perseverance.
  • It improves memory and attention concentration.
  • Encourages risk-taking.

Computer games Disadvantages: 

  • Computer games has earned a bad reputation for the most, however, is that they can promote aggression and violent behavior. Children who play violent video games are more likely to have aggressive thoughts, feelings and behavior, and are less helpful and empathetic.
  • Many computer game players are encouraged to be even worse, since the interactive world for them is available at extra points. Severe actions are carried out many times in a row.
  • Very often, playing computer games, at risk of social isolation. Addicted to computer games a person can grow careless, stop taking care of yourself, your health and everyday life. DELTA can suffer Sciences and works.
  • Some computer games teach children the wrong values. Driven by cruelty, revenge, aggression. Bargaining or other peaceful ways to search for solutions to problems are not usually characteristic of computer games.Women are generally portrayed as weaker characters, impotent or sexually provocative. On the other hand, the University of Buffalo researchers believe that the violence and bad behavior in the virtual world can increase the desire to behave well in the real world. It is argued that such games, players can feel guilty about their behavior in the virtual world, and less sensitive to the moral principles of the real world.
  • Computer games can confuse reality with fantasy.
  • Often playing computer games may impair academic achievement. Research has shown that the more time children spend playing computer games, the worse the results of the school. It is observed that these children are more likely to argue with teachers, conflicts with friends and get lower grades than those who do not play or play computer games less. Computer game lovers often reluctant to do homework, to be able to play longer, but still worse results in school.
  • While some studies show that video games can improve attention, but the 2012 study in the scientific journal "Psychology of Popular Media Culture 'has shown that such games can lead to the child's attention deficit disorder occurrence (it may actually pay more to concentrate on short assignments, but to concentrate for a long period of time it may become difficult).
  • Computer games can have a negative impact on children's health. It can lead to obesity, seizures, postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as inflammation of tendons, nerve clamping, carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Playing computer games online child can learn the bad words and bad manners of others. It also risks being harmed by online fraud.
  • Computer games can cause addiction. This may increase the depression and anxiety. Dependent individuals tend to have different social phobias, which can impair social life.
  • Sometimes parents allow children to play computer games that they pabūtų quietly. However, they do not really need that. Children need time to dream, one must learn to overcome their anxiety and fears, think their thoughts and share them with their parents, who should be supportive or directed in the right direction.

Do you play computer games? what's your view on them?


I personally think games are a force for good, I don't believe at all that playing violent games will make you violent. If that was the case then surely those people should have a problem with any martial sports like boxing, wrestling or even American Football but apparently those games are good for you and society...