I am not as knowledgeable on this subject as I should be, but after reading your post I am much more knowledgeable than I was. ;) The best way to counter false information is exactly what your doing -shed light on the truth and call out the people spreading the lies... I actually learned from your post - and I will be doing my own studying into the Kurds...
I don't believe I trashed you specifically in any way, honestly I would have said the same if the positions were reversed - I tend to look at both sides of anything before deciding whats right or wrong. If that comment came across that way to you I apologize...
Just a few of your posts that I have upvoted, and i'm pretty sure there are some comments in there somewhere:
Syria: The West's Anti-Islamic Terrorists - Adra Massacre
The Kurds: Ultra-leftist opportunists or real revolutionaries?
Modern Day Horrors: Kurds Disarm Assyrians and Yazidis, Abandoning them to Daesh Onslaught
Regardless I do tend to agree with your perspective "most" of the time, but like most things we will surely never agree "all" the time...
This is a portion of my reply on that post:
I don't believe I trashed you specifically in any way, honestly I would have said the same if the positions were reversed - I tend to look at both sides of anything before deciding whats right or wrong. If that comment came across that way to you I apologize...
Just a few of your posts that I have upvoted, and i'm pretty sure there are some comments in there somewhere:
Regardless I do tend to agree with your perspective "most" of the time, but like most things we will surely never agree "all" the time...
Thank you for clarifying. I couldn't remember the exact comment you made just that you had made one. I appreciate your open minded response.