Stock images are the best way to get the attention of your potential readers. It is best for you to use public domain images rather than the potentially copywritten material available through a simple google image search. When you use copyrighted material without permission you hurt the artist but are also technically committing a crime.
Below are some resources where you can find quality public domain material for your posts on steemit
Pixabay -
Pexel -
Happy posting!
Resteem . Upvote .
<3 Follow me @satchmo
great resource! thanks for posting!
No Problem -- just want to help the community. As a photographer myself it is important issue for me.
Good post! If you check out the micros like Shutterstock and Adobe Fotilia you will see that they also have a free collection. Thanks for posting this! I am one of the artists who is being continually burned by illegal usage!
I hope to not be one of the artists burned if i start posting my photos here hahaha. SteemIt should mak a repository, pay out to artist each use @steemit
I resize my photos on here and put my copyright on it. At least that way people know! You don't want to be burned on Steemit. LOL! The very first day I joined I found someone using one of my stock images and the post made over a $1,000! I made a big fat 0!
good point i should start doing to my photos
Always a good idea. At least no one say that they didn't know it was copyright!
Upvotes you, resteem and following please do same in return :)