My Analysis of Top 179 Introduceyourself Posts

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Hey! Zdravstvuyte! Guten Tag, guys!

I've spent several hours reading your introduction posts today. To be more specific, 179 Steemians introductions in total. Newsflash, Steemit is full of colourful, charming personalities from all around the World.

Unfortunately, Steemit's profile page doesn't have well-developed functionality. There is no available user search yet. Let's say, you want to know which Steemian is from your country. Oh boy, you're in trouble.

So I decided to create a Google spreadsheet with the data collected from the most upvoted Introduceyourself posts. For now, the spreadsheet contains 179 Steemians. You can browse them by their country, gender, introduction post upvotes and earned money.

As a by-product, I suddenly had some interesting data to play around. So that led to these graphs that show current trends and tendencies of Steemit's userbase.

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The last chart is quite interesting. I think most would assume that pretty girls are getting all the money. Apparently not.

Yeah, that was the biggest surprise for me too. What's more interesting is the gap of earned money and received upvotes. The difference between received upvotes is only 10% (45% - Women, 55% - Men). Meanwhile, the difference between earned money is more than double - 22% (39% - Women, 61% - Men). It means, that whales more likely upvote content (or introduction) written by men.

Not really a surprise when you see the other charts, at first there are more men on Steemit and secondly most girls on steemit are probably not that beatiful...

at first there are more men on Steemit

Not significantly in this sample. Users by gender above shows 53/47.

Why can't i vote too ?

Por norma general, los hombres ven un par de tetas y votan... es fácil de entender.
men generally come a pair of tits and vote. It is understandable...

I'd love to see these broken down by age as well. And by profession. And by posting time. And by...oh never mind, you'd never have a life if you did all that :)

Honestly, my initial idea was to include user's age... But after 40-50 posts, I got rid of that.

Not because it would have been difficult to find and add that info (I read all posts from the beginning to the end).

But because most of the users didn't include their age in introductions. So data's sample size was too small.

Oh yes, an age demographic would be so helpful but I know I didn't include my age in my first post...and it was never asked. It would be an important piece of information, IMHO because then the writers might be able to adjust their style or content accordingly. Thank you @saulius for a very informative post. And...well...I'm kind of surprised the boobs (literally) aren't raking in more money.

young and tech savvy :)

How did you figure out gender? a nickname is not very telling.

Surprising how China didn't make it into the top10

I have a theory for that. A huge number of new users heard about Steemit via social media (including myself). Guess what? China bans Google, Youtube, Twitter and even Facebook...

now expect feminists complaining about gender pay gap on steemit :))

Haha, that was my first thought when I saw graphs :)) "Whaaaat? Even on Steeemit?"

now this is helpfull and good!

Interesting, but how were you able to determine gender?

As I've mentioned before - manually, by reading posts :)

Very interesting results, guess I better introduce myself!

Thanks! A few tips for you based on what I've noticed from my research :

  • try to be honest and original in your introduction;
  • long format triumphs over short;
  • spice your post with photos;
  • timing is crucial. As you can see from my graphs, most of Steemians are from the U.S. Post your introduction when they're most likely to be active.

Great tips @saulius I will outline my intro utilizing your bullet points, thanks again!

I am confused? where is china?

Great post :)

italy 3rd place on earning?

Would be interesting to see the results and difference compared with today's data. I bet a lot has changes here on Steemit in that time.