Not sure I understand the upvoting on steem. I just upvoted someone in the amount of $6.00? Usually my upvotes are worth 0.0-0.1 cent! (Although i use em anyway!) Is it based on a combination of the steem power of the original poster and my own steempower? It cant be just from mine. Thanks for any help on the not-so-newbie question!
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It would seem to me most likely someone with high SP voted at the same time as you, you can use to find the blog post you upvoted and see the weight of different votes. It is a little tricky to read but it's a start.
Ok thanks @cryptotax!
Also, if you can check this way.
Go to the post. Next to the upvote symbol is dollar value.
Then the # of Votes.
Click on the number of votes and it will list in order who left the most money.
You will probably see a whale in there above your name.
If you left $6, you will be listed right at the top.
Ok thanks @happymoneyman! Have a good night :)