Local Steemit Poster Shocked to Hear His Content Sucks

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Green Bay, WI - Recently, and active member of the Steemit community, a local poster by the name of @contentcrusader, was absolutely shocked to hear that the reason for his low rewards is that his content generally sucks.

"I was so sure that the reason was @steemsports draining the reward pool. I'm shocked, stunned. That's all I can say", said @contentcrusader, busy crafting a post about a scientific analysis of paint drying, noting that his mind numbing content about Important Topics should have intrinsic value to the community.

@contentcrusader went on to add that he is totally not on Steemit for the rewards, and doesn't even care about them at all, unless someone is making too much. Then there is an issue.

"The system should be fair, content that sucks should have the same rights as all other content", said @mundanemike, a veteran Steemit Justice Warrior, frustrated about rewards going to topics he himself does not personally care about, nor understand.

When asked whether it'd be a good idea to use to produce content that doesn't suck in order to generate more rewards, @contencrusader claims "Absolutely not."

Indeed, the way to fight this battle seems to be to drive everybody else away from the platform.

We will keep you posted while the story develops.


I must say that blog on paint drying by @contentcrusader brushed over a few things, got a bit sticky in the middle and glossed over the end result.

Ah, the puns, the puns!..

The Onion is strong with this one

Thanks, man. I was indeed going for an Onion style article. Glad it showed.

It saddens me to read such news, the inequality is evident.

I can relate though, because of all the reward pool draining my memes are way down in earnings.

Stay strong @contentcrusader, when enough people find out this "popular content" is the problem, a subsidy will be devised to restore equality.


I think the image was Photoshopped. The IBM PCXT did not have the capability to reproduce the level of pr0n showing on dudes monitor. We were stuck with ASCII pr0n in those days.

Why yes I did get new glasses recently, thanks for asking.

Thank you for posting @schattenjaiger. So very funny.....yes...wherever there is freedom....there must be freedom to fail or succeed. It seems a very hard concept to understand. Thank you for the humour.

There is also a tag #whysoserious....which would be apt.

Good call, I'll add the tag.

The satire is strong in this one. 😂

Oh man, this is the best damn post I've seen for a while!

I'm sure it struck the heartstrings of all the @contentcrusader look-a-likes out there.

Keep the Steemit satire coming @schattenjaeger!

followed for the bits

So much for the equality of outcome...What about the children???

I am outraged by this post!!!!!

Just joking this is funny:)

LOL. Thanks for sharing this great post, Schattenjaeger!
Upvoted & Followed.

giggled the whole way through....

looking forward to part 2, and 3, and ...so on.

sounds like a legit Onion article:)
Upvoted an following. I like funny.

Great to hear because that's what I was going for. :)

i understand the guy :)
i mean what about the people that is not a blogger ?