Steemit Austria Third Meet-Up Vienna // About Knowledge Creation

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Together we are stronger...

...and in "the underground" you'll know what's really going on!

Writing about knowledge creation is elusive, grasping yesterday's creative and inspiring spirit as well, but let's have a try :P

“The turbulent challenges of our time force all institutions and communities to renew and reinvent themselves. To do that, we must ask: Who are we? What are we here for? What do we want to create together?” Claus Otto Scharmer

Yesterday's third Steemit Austria Meet-Up in Vienna was a meeting with highly talented people, the elite, your career booster, and your life hacker in aspects of how to live a good life, work-life balance, with family & friends as a Steemian, a student, an entrepreneur, a traveler, a lawyer, a manager, a philosopher, an archivist, a careerist, a capitalist, a coach, a trainer, a therapist, a health-conscious person, a Dtuber...

Of course we experienced through our manifold conversations, contexts and fragments of knowledge, different paths, plans, strategies and future options in which directions we'd like to turn our own challenges and goals. We experienced how life of one another looks like, how our life could look like and who we could become. Every Steemit Austria Account is a unique imprint of our own, a masterpiece, a digital artwork cross-linked with so many knowledge mosaics, one would need a whole year to go through all these interesting and colorful details. Yesterday we formed a whole entity, where differences and commonalities gave us wings towards our own individual futures and to take our projects into our hands and fly.
German Version


Austria Rocks! Wenn ich mal in Wien sein sollte komm ich vorbei, wenn Piefkes dürfen :-)

Na und ob!!!! @uwelang🐒

Freut mich - good vibes ich bringe mit zu Euch im Fall der Fälle :-)

Aber natürlich immer gerne

Danke - Danke - Danke

Hahaaa, ja sowieso, ist doch klar!

Lieben Dank!

Great turn out and even greater article, summarising that wonderful evening I enjoyed so much.
Man sieht sich hoffentlich bald wieder.Tut wirklich gut mal "echte" Menschen zu sehen und zu plaudern. #freeflow in the underground haha!

Every Steemit Austria Account is a unique imprint of our own, a masterpiece, a digital artwork cross-linked with so many knowledge mosaics, one would need a whole year to go through all these interesting and colorful details.


The Underground it is!!

Great post, and really good to put faces to names too.
I have an interest in your posts as I am half Austrian....Steem on!

Looks like a great turnout and some interesting topics discussed.

Yes, indeed!

That black shirt guys eyes, omfg

Yes, he has seen too much fiat currency, but with his involvement in cryptocurrency and steemit, it's getting better, he promised!

Coole Sache, nächstes Mal bin ich gerne dabei :)

Oh das ist ja wirklich voll eine coole Sache! :)
Ich wünschte, ich wäre da bereits schon bei Steemit gewesen! :)