It's really frustrating, I know. It's like there's a huge amount of promise in front of you with one fatal flaw. I'm amazed at how little I've found written up about this. So I think I'll continue to explore the subject more in future posts.
Plus I think this 7 days limit completely screws up curating -- makes it more like hourly wage work instead of trying to find the real gems. It takes longer to find gems than the last 7 days.
I have some project of my own I trying to figure out right now in terms of how to best use Steemit vs my a project website & blog.
Steemit could still be a good place for you to tell people about your content and direct them elsewhere. It's why a lot of folks still post to YouTube, even when dTube exists.
Best wishes!
Exaaactly. With the 7-day limit Steemit is more like a news site, isn't it. It's rewarding to post and curate content relevant to current events.
I think the platform could work if you already have a large number of followers who already have a lot of SP. But probably not so great about building a following from scratch. I donno, Steemit is a really really cool idea, but a lot would have to change before I consider investing time and effort here.
I also wish you luck with integrating it into your creative presence on the web! Maybe you'll discover a totally new paradigm and we can all copy you. :D