Whales and Dolphins desserve they status. Steemit is not about money, it's about TRUST. [Confessions of an ex-steemit-complainer] TAKE#2

in #steemit9 years ago

To all the ones who did not make it here (yet) and rant about the system, I used to be like you before.
During my steemit journey, I went through many phases: excitement, disillusion, questions, but I finally realized that Steemit is a young concept, and that the people we call "whales" DO deserve their status.

1. Whales are the FOUNDATION of steemit...
Yes, whales are (mostly) at the origin of this site. They made it happen.

We never were there during the difficult beginnings. We are the lucky ones who just had to create an account. It's people like @ned and @dan who CREATED steemit. Even if the platfom is still relatively new, you and I arrived when it started to take-off.

2. ...and at the same time whales are the BLOOD of steemit

Let's take some power users. Like @heiditravels for instance. Heidi was the 1st one to post excellent quality content, real stories of travels, with amazing pictures. She always made the extra effort to make awesome blog writings: easy to read and enjoyable. Take @piedpiper : Almost everyday, this guy takes time to post a new video. All his videos are well made, instructive, and they teach you something (special mention for the latest one about the blockchain).

In the end, if some people made it to the trending list, there is a reason.
Of course, there is a luck factor. But c'mon ! It's like in the real life !! Kardashians are making millions doing nothing while gifted jazz drummers will fight for a living.
This is the world as we know it, but I've got good news for you: you can still try to change it.

3. Their votes are not money, it's TRUST
(and it's already more than anywhere you can find.)
I see a lot of complains about people receiving 50 votes and receiving "only" $0.50.
Getting STEEM is not about getting money: it's about getting the trust from the people who are making this platform what it is, and will be.
Just imagine Steemit being your company: would you give unconditional trust to anyone ? Certainly no. You would create a line of directors, then managers. Promote the best, test others... etc.
Whales upvotes are exactly like this: when a whale upvotes your content, it's not to give you money. It's a sign. A sign to tell you to continue. And to help you "take off" you get more steem_power as a reward, so you will be able to promote your posts a bit more, and ultimately to become a qualified steemer.

This is how steemit works.

CONCLUSION: Stop hating.
I admit have been there before,... wondering why... asking how to change this world... trying...
A few days ago, I just decided to embrace it. Minnows never swim agains the current.

So, stop caring if you have 10 posts worth "only" $0.01.
$0.01 is a start... and it's always better than other social media sites where these $0.01 go to the CEO of the companies. Continue blogging, get noticed and just consider steem_power as a proof of trust.

If you are here for the money, then you probably are not worth staying.

Long live Steemit.


True! Its an interesting platform, but not a get rich quick scheme...

I enjoy posting photos I take. It's a great platform and a great community.