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RE: Steemit - Value is Subjective

in #steemit8 years ago

Thank you for your comment. I understand that it's a downvote, and that it used to actually be called a downvote instead of a flag, but it doesn't change the passive aggressive tendency it has when used. Chastising someone's rewards or reputation is like fining them for speeding. I think that analogy fits this better, rather than your knife analogy, because the tool is the problem. You can create a safety knife that doesn't cut people, and only cuts a specific thing.

Also, the world is filled with good people. We're everywhere. If you choose to be good, then the world is good.

Fully agree with your last statement. You get what you give.

Give goodness and the world shall become good!


Don´t even ingnore them, then they will get bored....:)

Check out my latest post if you want. It´s about being Robing Hood in self-governed environments. Actually our conversation inspired me to write it. So thanks! ;)

I'll check it out now.
