One thing is feelings, another is what the author istalking about, and thats pure disrespect to users.
I think that if someone swears at others, acts aggresvly, there should be consiquence.
Thats why we should give all a chance, and make a warning for the first time.
I am not talking about showing your feelings, i am once again, talking about pure aggresion and swearing (in an illiterate way), racism, pheadophilism and so on
Again... I don't care about "disrespect". Nobody deserves respect. Respect is earned. If someone "disrespects" you, it's their prerogative. You can choose to ignore them. I get disrespected all the time in the comment section on YouTube. No biggy. It's words on a screen.
As above.. it's just words on a screen.
Perhaps it is more important, actually let me rephrase that... Perhaps it would be more "progressive" if people developed thicker skins, rather than insisting on censoring everything that challenges their beliefs/ego.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion =)
But hey, we are ven kind of agreeing, my advice to the heated up, was:
Well put. Do you have a YouTube channel?
I think you hit the nail on the head here, clever guy!