Steemit Fatigue - A Steemit Exclusive Animation

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I've only been on Steemit for 2 weeks and this is how I feel some days

It can be exhausting putting hours of work into entry after entry and not seeing the monetary rewards I covet. But I'll keep plugging away in the hopes that my work will pay off eventually.

It's okay, I'm proud of the work I've been doing. It isn't all about the money. The trick is to keep the thoughts about money from weighing you down. 


P.S. Yes, this wasn't a very content heavy post, just a little blurb and a short animation. I promise I'll have bigger and better things coming in the near future.

All artwork was created by me elusively for this Steemit post.


Worse is probably to suddenly hit a (mini)jackpot and get back to normal (meaning:peanuts) immediately after. I don't know how, one of my little short stories made 300$ and right now... it's back to the usual 0,0000000001 XD

Yes. I had a really successful introductory post and that got my hopes up so high. But most of my blog entries since then have earned me pennies. It's hard not to get bogged down by this kind of bad attitude. I should write, draw and animate because I love do do those things, not because I want some extra cash.

But getting validated by a huge monetary gain feels so good!

On the plus side, it's only our time as it doesn't cost anything to post. We never know when the next big payout will happen. Some of my better posts got nothing while not so good paid out. Sometimes just luck of the draw.

Patience and work will help us. I am glad that I read you

How many images did you need to draw for that animation? Obviously most are very similar, but I assumed you drew ~15(some of the typing ones are repeated a few times each) and linked them together frame by frame with a few lasting longer? What software did you use for the linking?

Sorry for the very basic questions, but have basically no graphics experience, ie I use mspaint to draw things

It's hard to say, because many of the images have repeated elements. I drew the hands seperately, there were about 6 or 7 of those. Then maybe 10 unique drawings of the body. Another 8 drawings for expression changes. Then maybe 15-20 for the thought bubble/Steemit logo animation. Then of course the computer which was just one drawing.

All in all it took me 2 and a half hours to put it together. I use Adobe Flash CS6 to do my animation. I draw everything and time it in the software then export a JPEG sequence, and use that sequence of images to create a GIF.

And no worries! I love talking shop.

I can not work due to that fact that im taking care of my mother who has cancer. She needs someone by her side all day. So I signed up hoping I can write and earn some cash to survive. Im not sure how to go about earning though

Since I'm not some massive success story, all I can say is keep at it and hope that a whale will take notice of you. That's pretty much the only way to get lucky. I've had a couple of random successes, but I haven't found a way to consistently duplicating that success.

Thanks for commenting. I'm gonna check out your blog now.

Hey Seth. My blog will be my intellectual legacy. I'll never write a book. If I'm suddenly killed, my sons and daughter will get an insight into who their dad was from my posts. Keep quality high, celebrate each new follower and wait for a whale on your wavelength to click on a few of your old articles before committing to following you. Time spent on quality content will only be wasted if you walk away.

We should open a club: The hopefools.

Definitely the most exhausting social media website I've ever been a part of.. lol

I know right? There's so much incentive to remain constantly involved.

It's so true. I haven't been very active at all for the last 4 or 5 days. I was even thinking about making a post similar to this one (without the art). I also managed to get a couple of decent payouts, but most of them just don't do as well. It's not like I'm angry at the site for not paying me, but to spend the time browsing around and such here when it's tough for me to find anything I'm interested in just discourages me from doing it. In the same way knowing it's tough for anyone who would be interested in my articles to find them and vote accordingly, discourages me from putting together what little ambition I have in writing anything. It's not like I write much to begin with, but I haven't felt motivated to do it here more than anywhere else. I'm still around, I'm just not as active as I have been in the past.

If it makes you feel any better I just checked out your blog. You've got some good stuff! I'm following you now and looking forward to seeing more.

I just started reading your post about Christianity and the NAP. In the near future I'm planning on writing a short series of articles on Christian Anarchy that might interest you.

Thanks. I have such a weird mentality about writing. I love doing it, but I usually feel uninspired. Then even when I do feel inspired I don't like posting it because I feel it's just going to get lost in the vastness of the internet. I try to focus on just writing what I want to write about, but then I think, "Who else actually cares about anything I might say?" I'm conflicted, to say the very least.

Awesome, I'll definitely give a follow to check out the Christian Anarchy stuff. It's one of my favorite topics.


It is trully very hard. I am also struggling, trying to be featured in hope I earn at least the minimum of time I invest in writing my content.