Self-voting: With the click of a button, I can guarantee myself at least a couple dozen cents on anything I post or comment so long as I don't reduce my vote power too significantly.
As a matter of fact, at the time of this writing, if I chose to direct all of my voting power toward myself and use it in a sustainable manner, I can give myself about $6.50 every single day. Actually more, since the value of SBD is currently much higher than what appears on our post rewards here on Steemit.
Self-voting is a technically legitimate use of the platform. Self voting is part of Steemit's design and the system in no way attempts to stop it. But just because behaviour is allowed doesn't mean that behaviour is good.
Steemit itself doesn't promote or stifle a user's actions. They can self-vote, spam, plagiarize, and do all sorts of things that could generally be considered "wrong" or at the very least, "uncool." Since there are no "rules" for or against any specific behaviours on Steemit, it's up to the community to determine right from wrong.
In this post, I'm going to share details about my own voting patterns as well as my opinions on self-voting in general. I invite all of my readers to share their opinions in the comments.

My Personal History of Self-Voting
If I'm not mistaken, I have 100% upvoted every single blog post I've made on Steemit. I keep the "Upvote post" box checked off.
Regarding my comments, I've probably only upvoted a number that I could count on two hands. I will usually only upvote a comment as a way to "pin it" near the top. This is something I'll occasionally do with comments on my own blog posts when I believe a comment has relevant information that all readers of the blog entry.
For example, I recently hosted an art contest which ended when the post paid out. As soon as the payout happened, I could no longer edit the post, so I made a comment to announce that it had ended and upvoted it with enough power to ensure that it would rise to the top of the comments if viewed in "trending" order.
My history of self voting isn't much of a story. There are no changing behaviours or patterns. I know what I'm comfortable with, I have my own personal guidelines and I stick to them.
When is Self-Voting Okay?
Let me say again that everything that follows is only my personal opinion. I'm open to hearing your thoughts in the comments.
I believe that upvoting your own blog posts is a legitimate return-on-investment. You've put a lot of time and possibly money into Steemit. It's only just that you can guarantee yourself some rewards for your labours.
If I was in a position where I knew I had a large following of powerful voters, I probably wouldn't bother self-voting and would save all of my voting power for others. But I'm not there yet and I want a return on my investment. Maybe that's a little selfish, but I think it's fair.
When is Self-Voting Not Okay?
I'm not sure I can give a well-reasoned explanation for this opinion, but I generally think it's really tacky when people upvote their own comments. I don't know why I think that, and I'm sure those users could offer the same ROI arguments that I made above regarding blog posts.
But do you know what self-voting behaviour is absolutely terrible? When you leave a worthless comment on someone's blog post, upvote your own comment 100% without bothering to give the blog post a vote. Hell, it doesn't even need to be a worthless comment. Either way, it sends the message to the Steemit blogger that their content isn't valuable. The only thing that this upvoter finds valuable and worth his voting power is himself.
I want Steemit to be about community. That kind of behaviour is selfish garbage.
I have trouble self-voting even if it's something I've worked really hard on. Maybe I'll get over that after having $0.00 to show for a few long posts and valuable and important comments ;)
Just wanted to show you some love :-)
Interesting position. Not that I disagree because this is obviously a well-thought-out post and I don't want to step on it. I just want to share my own position which is this:
That in mind. My personal recommendation is that if you're under 500 SP, by all means, self vote. If you're over 500 SP, self vote, but use the slider please.
Here's an example of some obvious abuse:

Someone ^^ didn't use their slider.
I am three months (will be tomorrow) old in steemit.
At first I was self-upvoting, but when I realized that this was spending my precious VP (voting power) on me, I have decided to use it for other people that would need it more than I did.
A few days ago I realized that I had earned myself a slider (1M Vests) and that made me even happier because I could cast even more upvotes for my favorite content!
Not sure for how long I will keep (not upvoting myself) but I do respect even those who do so. It is simply a choice.
I upvoted this post because (a) I respect your opinion and (b) I really never saw such an abuse again [talking about your screenshot above] ...! This is simply unbelievable ...
I am even less time on Steemit (30 days) and I agree with what you described as the way to go. Thank you!
Thank you for replying :) I wish you fun and success in your steemit journey :)
My pleasure and same to you: all the best!
What you say about new steemers? My posts remain 0.00, no matter what's the content is...
When you're new and your SP is so low, there's no point in ever upvoting your own content. Treat your vote as you would a "like" on Facebook to let other people know that you enjoyed their work. Hopefully you'll one day have enough power to see a dollar value attached to your upvote!
I gave you a nice upvote so this comment won't remain at 0.00!
Thank you very much Sir..! It's my honour!
That's a lovely boost and encouragement for a new steemer like me..
I upvote my comments - as to be seen here. Because of the ROI arguments you mentioned above plus I am much better making valueable comments than producing valueable articles.
But I never came to the idea of not voting on a post that I comment. Mostly, because I really can NOT comment any garbage post just to self-vote. It is impossible for me. I need something going, a dialogue, something I can grasp, think about and respond to. And that has to be rewarded, no matter how tiny my little cent extra is for now.
Of course I hope to find people interested in me, people that benefit from my way of thinking, so they maybe will upvote me, too. But this is only 50% of my Steemit experience. I am community-focused and I noticed only a few days after starting on the platform how important the follower-system is for this. You really form a tribe, which I consider to be the more ethical way of success in here.
Voting on my own comments isn't something I do, but I won't condemn all such behaviour. It's just a matter of personal choices. But the people who leave a comment, upvote their own comment and neglect to upvote the post are clearly only on Steemit for selfish reasons. I'd much rather have community!
Thanks for commenting.
I never upvoted one of my own posts by now. But had some kind of understanding for people doing it. Though I never put real thinking in it. You did. I understand better now. Yes, I think it is okay to upvote own posts. Maybe the point with difference in upvoting comments is the following: upvoting your post... nobody gets hurt. Upvoting a meaningless comment... the thing about that is in your article. And I must say... even when your comment is a good one with valuable thoughts in it... comments to me are like: I want to talk about the content with the creator. Comments are about content and worshipping content to me. Not about earning money. But about community. So there seems to be this invisible border of good behaviour, when it comes to upvoting the own comments. We can feel it and I guess we feel it in the right way. I still won't upvote my posts. My upvote is worth 4 Cents in maximum, I don't need this. XD
Agreed. Comments are about community. When people use them as an easy way to make more money it feels cheap and kind of degrading to the creator of the original post.
My opinion. Comment self upvotes are a no go and if you upvote your own articles that is ok but even there do not overdo it. I usually upvote my own 2-3 posts per day, the rest of my VP is dedicated to support the community. Resteemed.
Thanks for the resteem. I'll usually only make a post once a day or less. Lately I've been on a Steemit binge so I've been posting a lot more. But my overall average is probably less than one self-vote per day.
I like a bit of "ROI" but I agree with you that I would prefer to save my VP for others.
Self voting on the other hand is quite self explanatory. I see many people don’t like self voters for obvious reasons. There are ongoing debates whether to self vote or curate and which one is more profitable..
Nice post dear..
Keep it up..
Self voting is definitely more profitable than curation. There's no doubt about it. But it's selfish. Steemit only operates properly if we spend our voting power on each other instead of on ourselves.
I we upvote over coments..
Than what it happen..
Any upvote power give or not..??
Either if u vote me than power increase..
I'm not sure I understand you, but I'll try to answer: As your Steem Power increases, so does the value of your vote. But you have a limited amount of voting power you can use each day. The more you vote, the more you "drain" that power, and the less valuable your vote becomes until it recharges.
For now, you should focus on created good content. Hopefully people will upvote you and their upvotes will increase your Steem Power.
I agree that self-voting comments is kind of scummy, especially since it's one of those "Nice!", or "Followed, pls follow back!" kind of comments. But self voting is completely legitimate, in my opinion. If you think of your blog similarly to a company, such as a newspaper, or whatever the topic of your blog might be (there's a niche paper for whatever), then you are the CEO of this endeavor. And you need a salary, which is proportional to the entity's success. This success is only what it is due to the work and research and arguments you put into your posts. If you think of comments similarly, it's like giving yourself money just for talking to business partners, even if no deal is reached.
Hope my metaphor is helpful to explain my position on the issue :)
I kind of feel like you about self-voting. Voting your own posts is all fine by me, as long as you put some work into them and you don't already have a big following that will support you no matter what. If your upvote value gets too big though, changing your self-votes power % should be something to go for. But at that time you will probably already have a loyal following so it shouldn't even come to that point.
Self-voting your own comments looks shady 99% of the time. The only time I feel like it's a good idea is when you give an information you deem important for anyone reading the post you reply to. If I'm being honest though, even in that case I generally don't upvote my comment and wait to see if the author thinks my comment is worthy of getting any attention. Pretty much all the other reasons for self-upvoting comments feel just like a "I think my opinion is worth more than all the others" kind of vote, and I don't like that mentality at all.
To tell you the truth I've do it before self up voting, when I read your post i realize what ashamed to hurt others feeling by self up voting. I wont do that anymore, thank you for remaining :)
This is indeed one subject that can stir up different views and opinions. I believe self voting your own blog post is okay cos you will not only be increasing the post payout for your own benefit but it also benefits the 25% curators's take in the total payout. Upvoting my blog post is something I seldom do cos I am a minnow and i have got very little SP. What i find unpleasant about upvoting is going around upvoting every meaningless and spam like comment you drop on every blog post stumbled on. Like i said, it can be a very controversial subject bcos Steemit permits it and those who abuse it would argue it not being bad. Great post.. Resteemed!
I am new to Steemit and was surprised, when I saw, that the users vote for their posts and comments. I don't think this is correct, but in your post I saw a few cases, where it makes sense to vote for my post. Thank for this!
Always wondered how the whole self voting thing works. I don't personally do it but have not been around long enough to figure all of this out
You just hit the upvote button on your own posts as you would with anyone else's. And when you write a blog entry, there's a box on the bottom right that you can check off to automatically upvote when it posts.
I believe that with the growth of the community, some framework will be established. and there will probably be more control.
There will never be more "control" per se. Steemit is decentralized by nature. But perhaps the community at large will begin cracking down on what they see as bad behaviour through the use of flagging.
I'm just about society talking. now all are loyal because they understand that without content steemit will not develop. over time, healthy competition will displace low-quality material.
I never looked at it that way.I was looking at it from a ''facebook'' point of view where you look like a total douche when you like you own comments or posts!
Lol yea.
Very interesting thoughts on self-voting.I did not know that upvoted comments will go on the top of the tread .
It depends on how you have the comments sorted. You'll see there are three options: trending, votes and age.
Thanks for stopping by!
good post, I like your post ..
if you like my post please give upvote, resteem &follow me.
thank you, keep on steemit.I need your support please visit my blog
Thanks for good post.👍