
I will. Not sure who to credit though if some of them you found online?

Perhaps you should list your sources in your article?

I can try to update them, honestly have had them over a month though so I may play hell finding the original sources lol. There are some groups out there freely sharing these and hopefully I can nail down the original artists. Its only a couple of them, rest I did and a group of friends...they asked to remain anonymous though, they aren't active here and just kind of hooked me up with the help on the side to kick me off with something to use. Try to update it but so there are no worries all came from sources giving them away to the community, no copyright issues to stress about. I don't roll that way lol

On this set, I did the crowd Steem pic, the red Steem stripe...more or less just reconfigured that one without the Steemit words. A buddy passed me along gray metal version of the Steemit picture and the rest I believe was found off of Google Image searches. My first set that I linked to is my original work minus one done by a user named @tarekadam who I am about to give the credit to seeing he is the only one I found that is listed on the page I got it from.

@sflaherty Thank You !!

UpVoted & ReSteemed...

Awesome, really appreciate that

You're most welcomed... Thanks again 4 sharing