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RE: Wow So Now We Got Heavy Fiat Trolls In Here? Very Tired of Harassing Trolls Piling Into Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Reported, gave the guy a shot at letting sleeping dogs lie but he is one of those hell bent to tear down crypto user types with no life so I had enough. Says he is going after @dollarvigilante next lol....guess he is aiming for making no money and getting himself ran off of Steemit with the fast track system lol. Issue I got, he is sending a bunch of goons under him at me. Got a few flaky harassing messages now on my personal social pages so I assume its stemming from this guy seeing no one every bugs me then this dude pops up and drama is at me every where. All because I posted that I plan to move my Bitcoins by turning them into Litecoin to save my family money right now, kind of scratching my head how that makes a person pissed enough to troll someone. Fiat must end, if this is the kind of people that system breeds it must be shut down fast


Probably works for the Federal Reserve.

lol...kind of figure he might be in with something fiat related. Usually though these guys have a decent bank account and afraid crypto will make their money worthless, guess they can't read and figure out its already worthless years before it was even printed up lol. Hey just means we are onto something, I know I don't go running to fiat platforms to troll their side because I have no fear about them screwing me over, guess they have to attack to make themselves feel better about their situation