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RE: Deleted.

in #steemit8 years ago

Apologies, also I am pretty confident the lengthy blogs I could write daily on this subject would work pretty well on here.

Imagine trainspotting the book but raw, uncensored text and pictures. It will be well written but in a nice easy to read manner.

People can go there without going there ya know' which is very appealing. Also it has so many ups and downs and unpredictable events. It will all flow from my brain easily as I am living this life and it is something that impacts everything you do.


Don't apologise, what have you got to apologise for? I cannot wait to see the first part. Remember, Put it clearly at the top of your title so that people can easily follow. I actually follow few as I don't want my feed clogged up with too many posts that I cannot read them all. I will await your first installment and then decide so please put a link to it in the comments box so that I do not miss it. I comment on everything I read which is only fair to the authors, so expect a true opinion when I read your post. Get writing and posting and stop this worrying. You have to work hard and interact with others, as I am doing with you, before you get true followers who will read and upvote your posts. Remember, from little acorns, large oak trees grow. As they say in Spain, poco poco (little little)! X

I understand all that anf o am happy to make quality posts etc. Even if I do a good title they don't get clicked on. I read tons of posts a day. I'm not even beint clicked on. Then I see one that's just a meme taken from somewhere and posted and they have killer views and upvotes etc.

At least if I was getting lots of views and no upvotes I would know it's my posts. However I am usually getting the same upvotes and views so that means people are liking it but not enough viewing them?

I do use images and they are all my images. Not copied from somewhere etc.

I don't think I can do more with the account I am using. I thought I would have killed it on here. On instagram my old account had 15 thousand followers and tons of likes the one I am using now is a backup.

I am willing to write good pieces etc but they won't even get read.

Going on my view to upvote ratio it wouod mean I'm bang on with material but no views.

So you think I should go with my diary idea? I'm leaning towards that way. I'll make a decision by the end of the night. Got some upgrading to do on Genesis Mining and need to buy up some coins.

Anyway thanks for the help man really appreciate it but I think it may be a lost cause. I understand all you are saying and I am willing to put so much effort into this but irs just everything that has made me successful on other social media isn't working because I can't even get anyone to view something.

Peace. A saddened tobias.

Poor you, YES to the diary. It will give you niche market. Frustrating I know but just keep plugging away. The Diary might be the answer. XX

I'm willing to grow trees from acorns it's just hard going from the social media where I get thousands of likes just for looking a certain way.

I like the change but isn't working out with my current approach.

Niche market, Diary. you have got so much to offer. Once you break through you will be happy; and it will help you with your 'issue'. I will upvote your work X

Peace pastries. See you on the other side.Hey check out this dude @goldenbrown. Wonder who he is ;-) check his introduction page.

I've just looked. I can change my display name. I can check my bio obviously. I cannot delete past posts as per obvious reasons.

I don't think I can have it deleted, deleted, deleted etc no one will take an account like that seriously. Looks like I will have to sign up again.. I'll lose my steem power though unless I power it down and put that into the new account. I guess that's what I'll have to do.

Steemit would be perfect 👌 and the best social media even idea let alone website I have seen. Love the technology. However something needs to be done so people can see the new posts easier.

I think you have to get people to want to check you out and directly goto your page. I think new posts from nobody's like me just get lost up in the blockchain and they don't get seen apart from by a few.

I appreciate that you will look out for my new post but it's going to have to be a new account. I can't bare the deleted deleted deleted.