Easy tips to avoid kidney stones

in #steemit8 years ago

Easy tips to avoid kidney stones

Kidney stones are very painful, but it is also very easy to avoid

Kidney stones are very painful, but it is also very easy to avoid.
Karachi: the role of the kidneys in the cleaning chemicals corrupt blood is very important but if lest anyone but themselves would not only be gravel in kidney and family or friends also appear in agony.
The good news is that with some simple measures can be saved forever by kidney gravel and gravel into the kidneys, then follow these measures if any of it can cause your projecting more utility in the treatment.
Pagie water well

If you want to avoid kidney gravel 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day every day which is 2 litres daily 1.5 liter pagie. Persons who are suffering from kidney stones, they must use water more than 3 liters daily or may be more.
Experts say kidney stones usually calcium, phosphate or agsalate to join children of the blood through the diet in General, and you are the solution to water well in the water, they use more gravel deposits in the form of it. Additionally, the size of the additional amount of water is not only gravel, but potentially also the control can reduce the size of.
Walk more

Journal of the American Society of nifrologe according to a research report published in the people who have the week overall, 3 hours or one hour walking to the risk of kidney stones in jagang were accustomed to at least 33% of the time. Although it is not well known due to the right, but experts believe that as a result of motion and physical labor, running walk, and our body nutritional minerals from a different angle because of the risk of gravel which is absorbed.
Abstain from soft drinks

Those who drink soft drinks (especially Cola drinks) should be careful because they are attentive and drinks are also extra thanks you other than as a result of gravel into the kidneys, he said. A study conducted in women's brgham and aware that daily cold drink drinking a bottle (250 ml) of cold risk of kidney stones in people who drink more than people who do not drink is 23%.
The use of milk and yogurt

Milk and yogurt, both the amount of calcium in the bumper, and therefore medical experts already believed that their use may be kidney stones from recent investigations proved that daily use of milk and yogurt, not any of this not only prevents from kidney stones but if do not move this these also the size of gravel before. It has been established that milk/yogurt is naturally in calcium include this ability that it takes and the chemicals in the bowel, what agsalate does not reach terrorists.
Coffee and tea, آزمائیے

In the clinical Journal of the American Society of nifrologe published a research shows that people who drink at least one cup of coffee a day are at risk of kidney stones is 26%. The caffeine in coffee reduced the risk of 16% (de nited kaifi) less than a daily cup of tea drinking at least a risk of kidney stones in people is reduced to 11%.
Please keep an eye on metabolic sandrom

If your body fat is in the blood, increasing the amount of try گلیسرائیڈ but more HD l (useful cholesterol) is low, often have high blood pressure and glucose levels in your body to handle the problem is so clever it yourself because all these symptoms are clear signs of metabolic sandrom, "which in the near future in the form of a heart atack, diabetes and can appear until death was. If these symptoms are present in only 2 of you compared to other people, you run the risk of kidney stones is 54 percent; and if you see these 3 signs are clearly within this possibility is more than 70%. In the light of all the evidence, experts recommend that sandrom be on metabolic and if high blood pressure or increase in weight came to see the doctor immediately to be taken.
Please keep in control protein

Our most important protein dietary needs includes, but it not mean that we need to take the full count on the same meat only because it is the most amount of protein. Now it has come that limits the use of dietary protein than kidney stones also increase in the size of the ideal environment for the formation and its contents. Please note that the amount of meat in your diet is better for balanced and vegetable, fruit and yogurt also use them while paying attention to is useful in this regard.