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RE: ENFORCE the CONSTITUTION, or you may as well KISS YOUR MONEY GOODBYE... 18.07.2017

in #steemit8 years ago

Yes I think ww3 is coming. Although one interesting alternative would be that certain coins not only go mainstream but also manage to divert some of the leaks back into the community.


Eventually maybe... but it is hard to see that happening soon enough to prevent another round of destruction. It breaks my heart to see the civilians suffer. But we are merely cattle to those at the top...

The only bright side to the issue is that the structure of society at large reflects the one on steemit. Those with good reputation are not always the ones with money. I think there is also an important mechanism in NEM that rewards actual participation rather than just holding. The hodlers in the traditional economy are not that much different from the ones in crypto. If a currency isn't traded around a lot then the distribution aspect is only a meaningless slogan and crypto doesn't end up changing much.