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RE: Steemit connections, my shitty writing, and grammar jokes

in #steemit8 years ago

Reading the work of excellent writers is a great way to become a better writer.

SO true.

2 girls, 1 cup.

Wait, no. That's not how it went.

SO funny.

I think you need to give yourself a little more credit! First, your posts are witty and funny as all get out! Second, you might not know aaaallllll the ins and outs about grammar and sentence structure, but you know leagues more than most people.

Besides, with my help, you know how to use hyphens properly, which is all that really matters. 😂


I'll be writing and realize I just used forms of "I" ten times in a single paragraph. Again, I just used it three times in one sentence.

The I's have it!