Saturday Morning Reflections: Steemit Saved My Ass

in #steemit7 years ago


Life can be tough sometimes.

Events come at you fast, and you don't always feel prepared for what's coming.

In my case, I was concerned about getting a part-time job to supplement game development. It felt like a regressive move, because my goal is to be independently successful, and being in that developmental space between projects going to market is a struggle, especially when things take longer than planned.

Well, I put out applications. But there's never a guarantee that anything will be fruitful, even for jobs you don't really want. So while I was waiting for call-backs, I began really posting here on Steemit. I thought

"Well, if I'm looking for part-time work, and I know that Steemit has payed out for me before, so... why don't I treat Steemit like it's a part-time job and see what happens?"

Well, results have been striking.

Quite honestly... I'm surprised.

Right now, Steemit is paying off for me much better than any part-time job -- which I would hate doing anyway! And what am I doing here? Well, just posting about things that are interesting to me. That's it.

Who could imagine that there would actually be an opportunity in this life where any old person (me) could sign up for a blogging website (Steemit), without permission, start posting, and have it become a part-time job that saves their ass in a time of need?

It sounds like a fantasy. But, hey, that's what's really happening to me. Right now. Today. And I feel so grateful and appreciative to the Steemit community and all of my followers and supporters here.

Thanks you, from the bottom of my heart.

You all are making a dream come true.


Do you have any stories like this one? I'd love to hear it if you do! Post it in a comment below or link me to your own post.


Man, sometimes life is stranger than fiction, you know what I mean? @shayne , your story seems to be the way things are shifting, as my path has many parallels to yours. Interesting times I must say!

It's funny because I have heard stories about people who catch onto something early and end up being rich because they had the foresight to appreciate what was in front of their face. I feel like this is our time, you know?

I'm glad we are on the same path!

I feel it too dude! I just started up a month ago here, I put off signing up on Steemit for stupid reasons, but I'm glad I finally did though. It's enjoyable, positive and all unknown at the same time.

Living on the edge of the present/future with each day, we need to embrace these things when they are shoved in front of our faces :)

Very true. We here on steemit are striking while the iron is hot.

Ha, that's a nice way of putting it :)

Life often sends us what we need, when we need it! I am happy to hear SteemIt is working well for you.

You know, that's very true. When I needed a blessing, and life seems as dark and hopeless as can be... something comes up.

Life is strange that way lol

Very nice to hear. Much better than a part time job!

Oh, totally. This is the best part time job I could want!

No I don't like this post. Go get a real yob

quit stalking me on steemit and get to work!

You first daddy! :p